
Alice Goldstein Visits Fourth Grade

Dear Parents,


Were were so lucky to have Alice Goldstein visit our classroom last week. She told her unbelievable account of surviving the Holocaust in Germany. We taped most of her conversation and a viewing link is provided below. She truly is a gem and I hope you all will watch her amazing story.


Bowling Pin Extravaganza

Fourth graders were so proud to share their bowling pin creations with classmates, parents, and teachers. I was so impressed with the beautiful scrapbooks and the artistic bowling pin figures. Characters such as Mia Hamm,  Jim Henson and Jackie Robinson lined the classroom. The fourth graders shared all of their knowledge along with their projects to the students in grades 2-5.

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We finished the novel, Number The Stars. The children where saddened that the Jews had to give up everything and flee their homeland. They were also inspired by the courage of the Danish people, including the courageous king. We listened to the amazing story of Holocaust survivor, Alice Goldstein. She talked about her family’s escape from War torn Germany right before the Word War broke out. Her conversation was videotaped and will be made available on the blog very soon. Her story is worth watching! The kids also watched the incredible documentary, Paper Clips. They wanted to start a project of their own. We will be visiting a local charter school in Foxboro in early April. This school has been collecting almost 5,000,000 stamps over the past few years to represent lives lost during the Holocaust.

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The fourth graders performed a readers theater to their second grade friends across the hall. The Legend of Lightning Larry is a lighthearted country western play. Jonah played the lead role of lightning Larry. All of the characters came to life with very charming southern accents and wild dramatization.

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We wrapped up the fraction unit last week with a big test on the last few chapters of Singapore Math. I am thrilled to report that everyone aced it. We are moving on to workbook B this week with a focus on decimals, geometry and symmetry. We always try to end most math lessons with a game to help solidify the math skill and to have fun at the same time.



Thursday will be an all day Purim celebration with a visit to a local Jewish nursing home. Please remind your children that reading logs are due on Fridays with a parent signature and two literature responses. Have a wonderful week!

‘Hafalafelim’ tell about their Tu B’Shvat

What did we do on Tu B’Shvat?

The students in the Falafelim group learned how to use verbs in the past tense in Hebrew. Each one of the students wrote about what they did in Tu B’Shvat using some of these verbs – love, know, eat, sing, walk, hear, forget, drink, say, read, travel (by car.)

These are the common things they wrote about: We walked to the JCC, we performed at the JCC and at school, we sang a song, we heard songs, we ate oranges and raisins, we know about Tu BeShvat, we walked in the snow and we had fun.

Hope you enjoy reading and learning about their experiences using this link –



לאמא ואבא,

בטו בשבט עשיתי הרבה דברים.  קמתי, אכלתי ארוחת בוקר,והלכתי לבית ספר.  בבית ספר הלכנו ל… ועשינו את ההצגה שישה בשקיק אחד.  אני היתי התמר.  גם עשינו את ההצגה לכל הילדים בבית ספר, אבל בפעם הזה לא היתי כלום.  לא שכחתי את המילים שלי.  הילדים בכיתה ב שרו שיר.  אחרי בית ספר הלכתי לבית של תומר, ואחרי זה הלכתי להיתעמלות.  הטו בשבט שלי היה מאוד כיף.


בטו בשבט  אנחנו הלכנו ל. אין-שם שרו סמבה בטו בשבט. ואני והפלאפלים עשינו הצגה. ואני בננה בהצגה. וגם עשיתי ב…ואני שר שיר סמבה בטו בשבט. ואני אכלתי תפוז וסימוכים ואני שתיתי מיץ תפוז.


בטו בשבט אני הלכתי לבית ספר נתן בישוף. אני אוהבת נתן בישוף.



בטו בשבט הלכתי ל… עם כיתה ד וה. ב…  עשינו הצגה לילדים ולאנשים זקנים. השם של ההצגה שישה בשקיק אחד. אנחנו גם עשינו את ההצגה באסיפה בבית ספר. אין-שם שרו סמבה לטו בשבט. לב כתב דף על מה עושים בטו בשבט ואמר את זה לפני ההצגה.אחרי שלב אמר מה עושים בטו בשבט אני יודעת מה עושים בטו בשבט.

בטו בשבט עשיתי הרבה דברים.



בּטו בּשבט הלכנו ל… ואנחנו עשינו הצּגה.  ההצגה  על הספר שישה בּשקיק אחד.  אני מספּר בהצגה  וקראתי הרבּה מילים.  אנחנו  שמענו את אנשם שּרו  סמבּה לטו בּשבט.  אנחנו עשינו ההצגה בּבית  ספר וההצגה טוב.  יש לנו הרבּה  כיף בּטו בּשבט.


לאבא ואמא,


אתמול בטו בשבט,  אכלתי תפוז ב…. שמעתי את אין-שם שרו “סמבה לטו בשבט” אני גם הובלתי אסיפה בבית ספר עם יונה. הפלפלים גם עושים הצגה “ששה בשקיק אחד”   



אתמול בטו-בשבט, יש ילדה. השם של הילדה זיוה. בבוקר זיוה נסעה לבית-ספר.  כשזיוה בבית-ספר, זיוה הלכה ל … ב11:00. היא והחברים שלה בהצגה. עוד החברים של זיוה שרו את השיר סמבה לטו-בשבט. יש הרבה מאוד שלג  . זה כיף מעוד.



בטו-בשבט כל הילדים בכיתה ד וְה צריכים ללכת ל… כל הילדים שמחים  מאוד. אתמול  רותם אמרה ” אתם עושים הצגה”. כולם הולכים  ל… ב11:00. אני אהבתי ללכת ל… כי יש הרבה מאוד שלג. כולם  אהבו הצגה שהפלפלים עושים ואני אהבתי לשמוע  את השיר אין-שם שרו .  



בטו בשבט הלכתי ברגל ל…. ב… שרתי שיר פעם אחד ושמעתי אותו שני פעמים. השם שלו היה סמבה. גם ב… עשיתי הצגה. השם שלו היה שישה בשקיק אחד. גם הובלתי אסיפה גדולה. וזה הוא.

יונה מ.


אתמול בטו בשבט משפחת אלון הלכו ליער ומצאו תפוחים. הם שמו את התפוחים בדבש. אחרי שהם אכלו הם הלכו לנחל ומצאו דגים. אבא לקח אבני צור ואת הסכין והדליק אש. בזמן שזה קרה אמא, ישי, נועה ומושי לקחו מקלות וחידדו אותם עם סכינים. הם הלכו למים וזרקו את המקלות על דגים ושמו אותם באש ואכלו אותם. כשהדג התבשל באש הם שרו את השיר סמבה לטו’ בשבט.


Have a Wonderful Winter Break

With so many Monday snow days and Tuesday delayed openings, I feel like February was extremely short. Here are just a few highlights to share before we all venture to different parts of the globe on vacation:

  • We continued with our mathematical unit on fractions and learned about mixed numbers and improper fractions.
  • We used our multiplication and division skills to find a common denominator and to reduce a fraction to simplest form.
  • We solidified our speedy multiplication skills with a partner dice game.
  • Third and fourth collaborated to design health posters about smoking, exercise, healthy eating, seatbelt safety, texting and driving and drugs.
  • We researched online about our topic and synthesized and presented the information to our classmates.
  • We began rehearsing a western readers theater titled, Lightning Larry.
  • We wrapped up our electricity unit by designing, building and fully wiring a house to light up using a battery, bulbs and wires.
  • We finished reading chapters 10- 15 in our suspenseful Holocaust novel, Number the Stars.
  • We continued typing our fantasy/dialogue stories in the computer lab.
  • We began sharing our amazing bowling pin biography projects.

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Important Dates

  • Tuesday February 24th from 8:15-8:45= Biography bowling pin presentation in 4th grade classroom
  • Tuesday, February 24th at 10:00=Alice Goldstein, Holocaust survivor, speaks to grade four
  • Friday, February 27th=no school for children

Have a wonderful, relaxing, safe and warm week. I will see you all on February 23rd!

Celebrating Tu B’Shvat

Our special Tu B’shvat celebration was with and for our kehilah (community.) First, we walked to the JCC to celebrate with the seniors at the Meal Site and with the young children at the Early Education Center. After lunch the students led the school assembly about the holiday. The students’ group Einshem sang a song סמבה לט”ו בשבט Samba for TuB’Shvat. The trees, the fruits and birds are all happy and dancing for the holiday. The students’ group Hafalafelim presented a story by Levin Kipnis שישה בשקיק אחד Six in One Bag. It is about an almond, a date,  a banana, a carob, a fig and an orange. All the fruits get into the bag one by one  and when a boy finds the bag he enjoys a tasty snack.

With two snow days, in less than a week, the 4th and 5th grade students had only two Lashon periods to practice for their tasks. They worked hard and today they shone! It was wonderful to hear so much Hebrew from our students and to see them perform for the community with enthusiasm, joy and pride.

חג שמח Chag Sameach,






Wrapping up January

Hello everyone,


I have been sending out most updates through email, so I decided it was time to return to the blog. Parents, please be sure to subscribe to the new blog so that you  receive all of the fourth grade news and updates. Here are a few highlights:

  • The fourth graders practiced and recited a MLK reader’s theater for their third grade classmates
  • They continued to draft and edit their creative picture books with dialogue
  • They  constructed wooden houses in the design lab with Peter for science. These included measuring, cutting, nailing and decorating.
  • They decorated and wired the wooden houses using batteries, wires, bulbs and parallel and series circuits
  • They used batteries and bulbs to get mystery circuits to light during our electricity unit
  • They finished the novels City of Ember and One and Only Ivan 
  • They began a new class novel about the Holocaust titled Number The Stars
  • They worked in cooperative groups to read the fat, sugar, protein and calories in nutritional food labels
  • They created advertisement promoting a healthy lifestyle
  • They used a map to find Denmark and Germany and to read lines of latitude and longitude
  • They wrapped up a math probability unit and began to learn about simplifying fractions to simplest form
  • They chose biographies to read during library and began the research for their biography bowling pin project
  • They wrote and edited letters for literature to be entered in a national 4th grade writing contest
  • They began a design challenge about “How Might we” choose healthier foods to eat during the school year
  • They met with their buddies to collaborate on a winter snowman activity
  • They enjoyed the story Blizzard,  and completed a written retell winter assessment
  • They spent time bonding with the new class Guinea Pig!

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The bowling pin project is due on Wednesday, February 11th. If your child needs the February break to complete the project, just let me know that week and I can extend the due date. All reading logs are due every Friday with 4 title entries and 2 short responses. Please help your child to return these to school. Alice Goldstein, a Holocaust survivor, will be speaking to the class in February (More details to follow). I will also be starting current events every other week after the February break. Thanks so much and have a great weekend.

4th Grade GS Update

Hello Parents,

Here is a quick recap of the week. It is important that you scroll down to the bottom of the post and hit the subscribe button. Thank you!

Language Arts

  • We started the two new class novels, City of Ember and The One and Only Ivan
  • We drafted and starting typing our letters to an author in the state wide Letters for Literature Contest.  http://ribook.org/letters-about-literature/
  • We continued to explore text, make world connections and compare and contrast characters and genres of novels
  • We learned how to write a conversation between characters using quotation marks and proper punctuation
  • We practiced cursive writing


  • We learned how to solve long division problems
  • We used bar modeling to solve complex multi-step word problems
  • We practiced finding the mode, range, median and mean of a set of numbers
  • We reviewed our multiplication and division facts by playing several math games throughout the month

Science and Social Studies

  • We started a new health unit by making a class KWL chart
  • We discovered where a magnet was hiding inside a mystery box by using iron chips, a compass and a magnet
  • We used washers and spacers to discover the force of magnets
  • We will be beginning current events after the winter break
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As usual, we had another heartwarming session with our kindergarten buddies. We read a Thanksgiving story together and then they shared holiday memories and created pictures with their buddies.

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I hope that everyone enjoys the winter break and I am looking forward to seeing you all in 2015:)

From Rotem’s Lashon Class

We are busy reading, talking, playing and learning in Hebrew.

Art and Lashon project: There are two goals for the project. linguistically (ways to describe oneself) and artistically (ways to draw oneself based on an Israeli artist Hanoch Pivan. In Lashon we are learning poems written by the Israeli author Yehuda Atlas. You can hear one of the poems in the link הילד הזה הוא אני . The students wrote about ‘אני’ (me) and draw themselves.


The group EinShem: We finished our reading from the story Boy’s Prayer. We have started our new workbook חברים בעברית Chaverim B’Ivrit. The group of verbs we are studying are in binyan pi’el (מדבר – talk, מספר – tell, משחק – play)

The group Hafalafelim: We continued with the topic “direct object” in Hebrew and learned how the personal singular pronouns can function as the object of the verb. We need a lot of practice. We also learned the infinitive form of verbs in binyan pa’al (כותב – לכתוב) and practice the use of them in sentences.

Native Hebrew speakers: We continued our work on the structure of the Hebrew sentences. In the book ‘מילה טובה’ the students practiced comprehensive reading.




November News

Hello everyone. It is hard to believe that we have almost hit the midway point of November and Thanksgiving will soon be upon us. It was a pleasure touching base with everyone last week during conferences. This truly is an amazing group of children and I feel very lucky to have them with me for 2 years.

We have been so busy attending field trips to exciting places around the state. We have also been privileged to have some fantastic guest speakers and surprise appearances. The fourth graders have also been hustling to prepare for their final Wednesday assembly this week. We are incorporating our class novel, Wonder, into the assembly. This novel has already deeply touched us all. I hope you are enjoying reading it along with us. The kids are so excited to discuss this book with you all on the evening of December 3rd. Here are some pictures to capture the past few weeks:

Here are pics from a surprise visit from Ms. Emily’s bunnies. They tied in with our owl animal adaptation unit and our class pet persuasive writing assignment. They sure were cute!

IMG_0227 IMG_0229Speaking of owls, we loved our field exploration to the Audubon society of Bristol. We researched owls of New England and we met Screech, an injured owl that the organization nursed back to health.

IMG_0237 IMG_0238 IMG_0239 IMG_0240 IMG_0241 IMG_0243The children were so excited to share their animal adaptation posters with their classmates. I was really impressed with their creativity and presentation skills. Some of the animals were adorable and some were really downright frightening!

IMG_0295Last Tuesday I was fortunate enough to be the only classroom teacher to accompany the students to the Biomes in North Kingstown. We saw mini sharks, turtles, snakes and fish of all varieties. The kids really had a blast and they learned a lot of interesting information.

IMG_0258 IMG_0259 IMG_0260 IMG_0262 IMG_0264 IMG_0265On that same afternoon, we were visiting by Anthony. He is a student at RISD from the STEAM team. We are partnering with Brown/RISD and we will be participating in science lessons related to the design lab. This particular lesson took us to Blackstone Blvd with the goal of collecting natural materials to create a birds nest. Anthony will be returning next Tuesday to help the 3-4th graders assemble the nests in the design lab.

IMG_0275 IMG_0278 IMG_0279 IMG_0280 IMG_0281Today we were visited by Ken Block, former candidate for Governor. He explained about difficulties that RI faces with the economy and his own political journey. He discussed how challenging it can be to run for office, but how you should always fight for what your believe is right. I think the kids really did get the message!

IMG_0293 IMG_0294Here are a few important reminders:

  • Reading logs are due every Friday. Please sign it every week and help your child return it to school (thank you!)
  • Field trip to Tap-in on Wednesday, November 19th from 12:30-2:15.
  • Wonder book talk on December 3rd from 6:30-7:45 (no siblings please).







From Rotem’s Lashon class

The 4th graders led their second assembly on Wednesday. They took all the students to a treasure hunt of the ‘month of Tishrei’. They put a lot of effort, cooperation, teamwork, creativity and time. They deserve  a huge KOL HAKAVOD. They are an amazing team!!!!!

We selected names for the groups. The smaller group chose for themselves the name “אין שם “ (no name) and the other group the name הפלאפלים (the falafels).

The group EinShem:  We continue with our reading from the story Boy’s Prayer. This week we learned four new verbs from the story: קורא (read), שומע (listen), ,תוקע (blow the shofar), and אומר (say). We also have practiced to our first quiz and had it on Friday. This will be our regular routine from now on.

The group Hafalafelim:  We continued with the topic “direct object” in Hebrew and expanded the number of verbs, which followed by the word ‘את’. We need a lot of practice in all skills because this structure does not exist in English.

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Have a wonderful week

Lehitraot, Rotem