
Fee Fi Fo Fun!


Lots of Learning with Jack and the Beanstalk!

We compared and contrasted different versions of Jack and the Beanstalk. We enjoyed discussing how books were alike and different. We noticed that: “Jack was the main character in two books, and the giant was the main character in one book.”

After discussing the books, we planted beDSCN0622an seeds; and each child created a beautiful castle, stretching out and gluing on a cotton ball for the cloud base, and sticking a dowel into the cup.

Now we are waitinDSCN0612g for Jack’s beanstalk to climb up to each castle.

Meanwhile, we are working with partners to count large collections of beans (more than 200). We are practicing our skip counting, writing our numbers, and working cooperatively with a partner.

Acorn Obsession

imageThis fall, oak trees produced a bumper crop of acorns. So, the Kindergarten class went on an acorn hunt. Along the way, the children looked, played and discovered. They filled bags with acorn discoveries. Each time a child found an interesting acorn he or she came running over to exclaim, “look at this one!” in delight. The children also wondered, “Why are the acorns dropping?” and “Why are acorns under trees that are not oak trees?”


After our class collected acorns, we shelled and ground the nuts. Then we leached out the tannins. Our class dried the flour and baked acorn muffins. The resulting dark brown muffins were a tasty nutty-crunchy snack. Squirrels and blue jays eat acorns. Some acorns grow into mighty trees. Who knew our class could do so much with acorns? In the process, we were reminded that the simplest things may provide us with the greatest pleasures and treasures.


5 Senses at Foster Farm


The Kindergarten class visited Paine Farm for an exploration of the five senses. We began the day by sitting on a wall, and cuddling and petting bunnies. Next, everyone got to ride a pony named “Mr. Ed.” Then, we were off to make apple cider. Each child dropped 4-5 apples into a press, watching the fruit separate into juice and mush. Later, everyone tasted the fresh cider. Last, we visited some Japanese chestnut trees that were garnished with large-green-spiny–burr-protected chestnuts. Compared to the velvety fur of the rabbits, the interlocking masses of thatched spines that covered each nut-bearing burr were untouchable. The children used tongs to collect the burr-covered chestnuts, while the smooth and sturdy chestnuts already open and on the ground were collected by hand. What better place than a fall farm in Foster to exercise one’s senses and to feel free?

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