
Field Trip To Foxborough Regional Charter School

As we relax on our Passover break, I wanted to share some pictures from our field trip last week. The fourth graders visited Foxborough Regional Charter School to partake in their Holocaust stamp project. This project started with a fifth grade class a few years ago and was inspired by the documentary, Paper Clips. Their goal is to collect 6,000,000 stamps to represent the lives lost in the Holocaust. The students turn the collected stamps from all over the world into beautiful mosaics that are displayed around the school. They truly are works of art. The school aspires to create 18 (Chai) mosaics in total.

When we arrived, we had a tour of the school and then the children received stamps to cut, glue and put on a new mosaic. It was exciting to be part of such a special and meaningful project, especially after reading the novel, Number the Stars and listening to Holocaust survivor, Alice Goldstein. This is a powerful unit which I hope has touched all of the fourth graders in some shape or form.

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