
Farewell from Mrs. White, librarian

Dear Friends,

library cozyAfter twenty-two years as the JCDSRI librarian, I am retiring at the end of the school year. I have loved working with our students and enjoy keeping in touch with many alumni. I have been delighted to be the school librarian, where I can play with puppets, read fairy tales and sing pirate songs. Now, how good is that?

book fair actionFor twenty-two years, I have loved creating book fairs that have promoted reading and fostered wonderful memories for our students. Although running book fairs for twenty-two years was quite a job, I did it because the students loved it so much. The youngsters enjoy dressing in PJs and going to Clifford Family Nights to meet Clifford the Big Red Dog. This activity became a beloved event. Many students dreamed of “being Clifford” and were thrilled if they were selected. Recently, I met an alum who asked about the book fair dates and who would be Clifford at next year’s fair. Alumni enjoy sharing happy memories of the fairs. Over the years, we have sold thousands of dollars of merchandise at the fairs, which enabled us to get thousands of books, many supplies, classroom rugs, school furniture and more. I am delighted that the Scholastic book fairs have never cost the school any money. Thank you for your long time support of our book fairs!

pre-K TT agesTwenty-two years ago, I automated the school library-not an easy task. For twenty-two years, I have created summer reading programs. I certainly appreciate the positive comments my summer reading programs have received from school librarians throughout the country. For many years, I conducted public preschool story times, which I greatly enjoyed.

Thank you for all my wonderful memories.  I will dearly miss everyone!


Karolyn White


First Grade hosts “Kindergarten Buddies”

The roller coaster ride of May and June has commenced!

As the end of the year draws to a close, the Kindergarteners were matched up with our First graders for “Reading Buddies”.  Every Friday, from now until the end of the year, K will come for a visit to our classroom which will give them a chance to taste a bit of  First grade magic .

There have been so many moments which I have dubbed “Teacher’s Gold” in my past blog entries but this past Friday was the gem stone moment. The First graders were thrilled to be the older buddy and took their responsibilities very, very seriously.  Each First grader was assigned a Kindergartener and given some suggestions as to what books might interest them.  In preparation for their visit, they gathered books from our extensive library and decided where they wanted to sit with their buddies.

Ready, Set, Read!

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I am in awe of my students and how much they have progressed this year both in their reading skills and their maturity in a multi-age environment!

Each student showed patience, gave encouragement and support to their buddies.  We the teachers could not stop smiling!

Next week, it will be the First graders’s turn to “step up” to 2nd grade.  We are busy preparing for our visit to 2nd grade in Writer’s Workshop and in Math by writing The 2nd grade teacher friendly letters about themselves and writing a “Math About Me” book. They will be presenting their work to her during our visit and have time to visit and experience a taste of what an incredible year they will have next year.  (Sigh…..I am going to miss them so!)

Stay tuned for our 2nd Grade visit next week!

Spring Has Sprung

We’ve had a fun and busy several weeks in kindergarten!

We have  been learning a great deal about Israel and dreaming of its beautiful beaches. We “traveled” to Yam Hamelach (The Dead Sea), and learned through experiment why we float.


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After working so hard preparing for Zimriyah and Special Visitors Day, we needed a short vacation. Since we can’t travel all the way to Israel, we traveled to Conimicut Beach in Warwick.



               At the beach we found buried treasure, observed different animals who call the beach home, and played in the sand.




We had the chance to play on a different playground after a picnic lunch outdoors.



   And even have rest time.

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Our Eggs Are (Finally!) Here!

Today, Beth – the knowledgeable educator from Casey Farm  –  spent the morning with us. Casey Farm (in Saunderstown, RI) was founded in 1702. On the farm’s 300 acres overlooking Narragansett Bay, organically grown vegetables, herbs, eggs, and flowers flourish, providing bounty for both local families and nearby farmers’ markets.


Beth arrived to our school with dozens of fertilized eggs, an incubator, warming lights, and lots of different kinds of bird eggs!


The PreK and Kindergarten students and teachers were able to see the eggs laid by swans, bluebirds, robins, grey catbirds, golden eagles, red-tailed hawks, loons, and even an emu egg! We enjoyed observing the eggs; some of us discovered that eggs are camouflaged to be either the same color as their nests or as their mothers. Beth also showed us a slide-show, during which we learned how to tell a (female) hen from a (male) rooster, what chickens eat, how Casey Farm protects chickens from predators, the best way to take care of chickens (free-range and cage-free!) and how to hold chicks (hold them close to the ground & gently!)


We also learned about the different stages and components of a chicken embryo, including the blastoderm and the egg tooth!




Beth then showed us the incubators into which we will place our eggs. There they will stay (round side up, pointy side down) for 21 days until they hatch. A hen’s body temperature is about 107 degrees, compared to our 98.7 degrees – and so our incubators will be as warm as a hen’s body. We will have both Rhode Island Red and Dominique chicks.


But the most wonderful surprise was still to come! Beth brought a Dominique hen to our school!

IMG_8199Beth then invited us to pet Henny Penny!


By tomorrow morning, our incubator will warm to 100 degrees and we will fill it with our eggs. And then the countdown will begin . . . and we can hardly wait!




Magnets, Spring, and More!

Steam Week may be over; however, in Kindergarten, we’re just getting started!

We began Steam Week by learning about magnets. We explored the force by holding two magnets close and felt them either attract (pull toward one another) or repel (push away). We learned that magnets can attract other magnets (or other magnetic materials) at a distance invisibly, through what we call a magnetic field.

We used magnetic wands to find magnetic objects on our walk through the neighborhood:

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The children created various magnetic objects during the week including, headbands, jewelry, decorations, and more!

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We are in the process of creating a Kibbutz in our dramatic play area and are currently building a magnetic barn! We will be sure to add pictures of the structure upon completion.

In math, we have been measuring and finding the difference between the length of various objects. The children created paper clip snakes as a measurement tool!

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Our springtime mural is coming along beautifully! Every day, the children are continuing to add more objects and labels!

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All Kinds of Families-Books K.White, Librarian

fam16  Our school will welcome many family members and friends next Friday, May 8, our annual Special Visitors Day. It is such an awesome happy day! While reviewing books about families, I discovered some great stories that reflect the diversity of families. Families come in all shapes and sizes and are more diverse than ever before. Today’s picture books  provide insight into interracial families, families with non-biological children, same-sex parents and intergenerational relationships.

Family1  Enjoy this thoughtful book  list: http://bit.ly/1GAZASK

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Some of our favorites: (NOTE We love  Todd Parr’s books http://www.toddparr.com/index.html )

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Dig into Great Garden Books for Kids!

flower1 Gardens have always been part of my life. In October of 2008, Jamie Faith Woods, Andrea Katzman and I attended a school garden program in Bristol, RI. That meeting was a catalyst for creating our beloved school garden. Kol HaKavod to Jamie Faith for all her work on our garden and school garden curriculum.


For several years, I conducted “Giggles in the Garden,” an outdoor JCDSRI preschool story time that resulted in a great garden book collection. In addition, I have created JCDSRI Pinterest boards on gardening with children, garden sensory activities, garden book for children and Earth Day books and activities. VISIT: https://www.pinterest.com/jcdsri/

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Israel- Our Beautiful Land

Dear Families,

Throughout the year we have learned quite a lot about the language, culture, and geography of Israel in kindergarten! In honor of Yom Ha’atzmaut we have started to create detailed maps of Israel that show how much we’ve learned. Our maps will be very helpful as we travel around Israel on our week long class trip! Today we created our passports, received our boarding passes, said our farewells and boarded the plane that would “take us” to Israel. Even Mr. Tilove came along for the ride! On our flight we talked about what season and what time it would be when we “landed”, enjoyed a light snack, and watched an in-flight slideshow that showed us just some of the special things we could do or see in Israel.






This afternoon we also broadcast what we’ve learned about Israel’s geography over the intercom to teach the whole school about Israel. Please ask your child what fact or facts he or she shared with the school!
The weather is getting warmer and sunnier here in Rhode Island, and in Israel too! To celebrate spring we created beautiful watercolor paintings of springtime in Israel. They are displayed outside the classroom and are truly remarkable. Please feel free to come and look at our work.
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I am always so impressed by your children’s concentration, artistry and passion for learning!

Zimriyah Playlist!

Here is a playlist featuring some of the songs the students will be performing at Zimriyah. Please feel free to listen, practice and share at home!


Kindergarten Pesach Seder

We had such a beautiful Seder in our classroom! The children and their families helped to lead our Seder, and the Kindergartners performed in a play that they wrote about Pesach. We even enjoyed delicious matzah ball soup!  Thank you to all of our special guests for joining us!

Chag Sameach!

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