
Head of School Interviewed on WCAP Radio

Adam Tilove

Adam TiloveOur Head of School, Adam Tilove, was interviewed on the L’Chaim radio show on WCAP 980, the ‘Voice of the Merrimack Valley’ in Worcester, Massachusetts. He explained the thinking behind our “Too Jewish” campaign, as well as the reasons for our eye-catching public billboard on I-95N. The ensuing conversation with the host enabled Adam to share the JCDSRI vision, our partnership with the Islamic School of RI, our STEAM partnership with Brown and RISD, our progressive curriculum, and our pluralistic community. In addition, Adam was able to engage listeners in the process of challenging their assumptions about Jewish day school in particular and Judaism in general.

You can listen to the whole show online (ad-free!). At the beginning of the broadcast, the host shares background information about the campaign and billboard; Adam joins him at about 8:45.

Billboard Inspires Questions, Conversation

As a part of our new campaign, a bright pink billboard on I-95N is getting drivers’ attention. “Too Jewish? Challenge Your Assumptions,” it reads, along with a website, toojewish.info. The campaign, which grew out of a comment we often hear from parents who have not considered sending their kids to our school, asks people to rethink their attitudes about Judaism in general and Jewish day school in particular.

East Side Monthly magazine interviewed Head of School Adam Tilove and ran an article entitled, “What Does it Mean to Be ‘Too Jewish’?

Mr. Tilove was also interviewed by ABC6 News about the intentions behind the billboard and the community reaction to it.

The Jewish Voice featured us on their front page at the beginning of November.

To capitalize on the high interest in the billboard and continue the conversation, the school is hosting a Community Conversation on November 19th at the Brown RISD Hillel at 7:00pm.

Too Jewish? Join the Conversation!


“Do you like the Jewish preschool for your kids?” I asked.

“I love it!” he told me.

“Are you going to send them to Jewish Day School?” I asked again.

“No,” he told me, “too Jewish.”

His two simple words hit me like a ton of bricks. “Too Jewish.” Too Jewish to do what, exactly?

I have encountered the same sentiment over and over again. What does it mean for someone or something to be TOO Jewish? Each day, our students are learning to draw inspiration from our past to build a better future. We are working hard to shape thoughtful, successful, kind people committed to making the world a better place. We are deepening our identity while reaching out to others to appreciate what makes their cultures and religions beautiful. What is “too” about any of that?

This campaign is meant to challenge all the assumptions and preconceived notions that we carry around about Jewish day school. But more than that, this campaign is meant to engage each of us individually about what it means to be Jewish today. It is a challenge to check our assumptions and see one another as complex, intelligent, real people who share something special in common.

This is an open invitation to come meet and talk to your neighbors, regardless of their age, politics, or religious affiliation. We are holding a community meeting at the Brown RISD Hillel on Thursday, November 19th, at 7:00pm. This is not a lecture or a panel discussion, but an open dialogue with space to talk about whatever is on your mind or in your heart. It is an opportunity to talk, listen, and learn from one another. We hope you will join us.

If you are unable to attend, please join the conversation in the comments below. The Jewish tradition encourages us to engage in dialogue and discussion, and we benefit from the inclusion of many voices and perspectives.