
JCDSRI Statement of Inclusivity in Admissions

We are so excited that you are exploring JCDSRI for your child(ren) and family. We will launch our 2025 – 2026 admissions season in early October. Please complete this form to make sure that you are getting all of our communication related to admissions and community events.

We have recently developed the following JCDSRI Statement of Inclusivity in Admissions with the guidance and support of our Tzedek (Justice) Coordinator. We are proud to share this document with you!

The JCDSRI Weekly Buzz

December 22, 2024

Lesley Bogad, JCDSRI Board President

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what it means to teach and live your values.  

I think about this a lot at JCDSRI because that is the job of the Board of Trustees – to keep the school accountable to its mission and values, to ensure that the school is living up to those things. In my almost three decades as a teacher and teacher educator, I rarely see an institution that teaches and lives its values as deeply as JCDSRI. We see our five values — chesed (kindness), kavod (respect), achrayut (responsibility), kehillah (community) and tzedek (social justice) – in every single thing that happens at our school. It can be seen in the way we plan a community havdalah event, the science curriculum, t’fillah (prayer), the peace table within each classroom, and the books that are selected for the library.

The values of the school are physically hanging everywhere – the playground fence, on the street outside of school, within the lobby and on the walls of the Goldberg gym. But more importantly, they are hanging on the hearts and minds of everyone who spends time with your children. In words and by example, our JCDSRI students learn the values of this place. And we hope that they carry those values out into the world.

I also think about this a lot as a parent. My son, Micah, is a JCDSRI alum (class of 2023) and a mensch of a 7th grader. I love that he has lots of questions about his values, our values, school values, and other family’s values.

Rabbi Yaakov Kaminetsky z”l, made an important distinction between two important words in the sphere of raising children: the Hebrew word chinuch means education or training. The Hebrew word hashpah means influence. Education/Training is a form of direct teaching. It is didactic. The teacher fills up the cup of the child with valuable information and important knowledge. We say. They do. Hashpah comes from the root word shefa which means abundance. Hashpah is when the teacher fills her own cup and what overflows washes over and influences those in her immediate surroundings. 

So, sometimes we teach. We tell our children what to do and what not to do in helping them navigate the world. And, other times we influence. We show our children with actions and deeds the values that are true to our family and to our heart. We read. Or we travel. Or we work too late. Or we call gramma twice a week. We do and they feel our influence. Sometimes we do this with intention, and sometimes not so much. Nonetheless, they learn.

Rabbi Label Lam tells a story of a parent who receives a call from her child’s teacher. The child has been stealing pencils from school. The parent is shocked. How could that be? Why would my child be stealing pencils from school? I bring plenty of pencils home from the office for him to use!

So, to teach our values, to influence the small humans in our worlds, we lead by example. We don’t lead so they can follow. We lead so that they can lead.  

Watching JCDSRI fifth grade students lead havdalah, or observing young humans gathering in the m’oadon on Monday mornings to lead t’fillah or celebrate a birthday… or to hear our youngest students welcome visitors into our classrooms when guests are touring the building… JCDSRI is leading with and modeling for our children ways to live our values in the world.

December 15, 2024

Empowering Our Students

The principles of Positive Discipline inform our Social-Emotional Learning curriculum at JCDSRI. The focus is on teaching students not just what to do, but how to think and act in ways that are responsible, kind, and effective. Based on the work of Lynn Lott and Jane Nelson, Positive Discipline encourages teachers to empower students by giving them the tools to solve problems, regulate emotions, and take ownership of their actions. We move away from enabling behaviors—like doing too much for the students or fixing their problems—and instead focus on empowering them by involving them in the solution process. We encourage respectful communication and help students develop problem-solving skills by guiding them through scenarios where they must take responsibility for their actions.

For example, in Kindergarten, a student may struggle with sharing materials during free play. Instead of the teacher immediately intervening to separate the students, the teacher might say, “Let’s talk about how we can share the toys in a way that works for everyone.” The teacher gives the children the space to negotiate and come up with a solution together, while still providing guidance when necessary. This helps build respect, empathy, and cooperation—all essential skills for lifelong success.

When a child in Third Grade struggles with managing strong feelings, teachers guide them in expressing emotions appropriately using the “I feel __ because __” method, encouraging them to share their feelings without judgment or the expectation that others will fix the situation. This approach validates the child’s emotions while also teaching them to express their needs in a respectful way.

In Fifth Grade, students are given opportunities to engage in family-style meetings where they discuss their needs, conflicts, and successes. These meetings empower students to voice their concerns and work with their peers to find solutions that respect everyone’s needs. Students learn how to express themselves respectfully, listen actively, and reach agreements collaboratively.

December 8, 2024

The word Havdalah is related to the Hebrew word לְהַבְדִּיל (L’havdil) – to separate. What are we sep arating? We are making a distinction between Shabbat, set aside in the Torah as “holy time,” and the ordinary time that we usually inhabit. This ceremony generally takes place just after Shabbat has concluded, with the appearance of three stars in the sky, about an hour after sunset. At JCDSRI, we hold a weekly Havdalah service on Monday mornings, marking the transition from the weekend into the school week. Led by our 5th graders, students in first through fifth grades begin the week singing joyfully together as they use their five senses to settle in and prepare for the week ahead.


At JCDSRI, we aim to guide our students to connect to Judaism and T’fillah (prayer) in various ways –  ritually, spiritually, mer the connection our studentsfeel to the Havdalah service, we are so excited to share it with you, our amazing parent community!  We hope that you will participate in a special Community Havdalah Service on Saturday, December 14 at 5:45 p.m. to get a taste of the magic that takes place at JCDSRI each and every Monday morning. You will see some of the elements that we bring to Havdalah each week and hear from 5th graders about what makes this meaningful to them. We will also be having dinner as a Kehillah (community), to foster deeper bonds and have an amazing time together.

usically, joyfully…etc. We take every opportunity to make sure our traditions are meaningful for our students today and for generations to come. To furth

Hope to see you there!

                                              Morah Guttin and Morah Andrea

December 1, 2024

Hi again, it’s Alison Walter, your one and only Development Director at JCDSRI.

I am thrilled to announce the launch of Giving Tuesday on December 3, 2024. This is an incredible opportunity for our community to come together to support the vibrant education and meaningful experiences that make JCDSRI so special for our kids and families. Every gift directly impacts our school community and we want 100% participation for you, our parents. Keep a look out for emails and posts on social media for this year’s campaign launch. Please send and/or share these posts and emails with your family and friends.


November 24, 2024

Thanksgiving and Tzedek (Social Justice)

Contributed by Erika Rusley, Tzedek Coordinator/4th and 5th Grade General Studies Teacher

Thanksgiving is a holiday that so many people anticipate with true gratitude – thankfulness for the delicious and special seasonal foods, thankfulness for time with beloved friends and  family, and thankfulness for the exhilaration of road races and football games and parades. Yet, for many Indigenous (or Native) Americans, Thanksgiving serves as a glaring reminder of the “erasure and misrepresentation of America’s colonial and complex history.” How then, does JCDSRI approach this complicated holiday?

As always, we look to our values. We can show respect for Indigenous peoples and share the responsibility of educating others by learning about the 13 Thanksgivings of local tribes who lived in the area that is now Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Our students are familiar with the lunar calendar through their Yahadut studies, and they are delighted to find that both Judaism and traditional Indigenous beliefs correspond with the cycles of the moon. So much more information is available through the Narragansett-run Tomaquag Museum and through similar sources.

This resource from PBS is a wealth of information geared towards Early Childhood and younger elementary aged students, including craft activities, story books, songs, and videos. For older students, it is appropriate to begin learning that the story of Thanksgiving is usually told from only one side – the European pilgrims who came to America. The National Museum of the American Indian has an excellent resource entitled “How Can We Tell a Better Story?” that expands our perspectives, and students in those grades are invited to explore both at school and at home. 

Andrea Katzman shared some suggestions in previous years to help students learn accurate information about Native Americans of the past and present: If your family is not Native American and you’re not sure what your child or children think about Native Americans, this Thanksgiving may be a good time to find out. You might ask questions such as:

“What do you know about Native Americans?”

“Would you like to have a Native American friend?”

“Where do Native Americans live today?” (most live off reservations)

“Can Native Americans vote in U.S. elections?” (yes, they are citizens)

For Thanksgiving, you might also consider gifting a multicultural book about Native Americans or other groups. A wonderful place to buy books is through Minneapolis-based Birchbark Books, which has a robust online collection of books for all ages and interests. 

As we give thanks this season, we hope you will find ways within your family to reinforce these lessons and help instill in our children an appreciation and accurate understanding of all cultures.

November 17, 2024

Hi! We are Sommer and Julie and we oversee the Teacher Appreciation Committee here at JCDSRI.

It’s the season of giving and we need your help to show gratitude to the amazing teachers and staff at JCDSRI. Throughout the year, the Teacher Appreciation Committee uses these funds to provide a beginning of year welcome treat, December holiday present, a festive Teacher Appreciation Week and an end-of-year gift! Our goal is for all staff to feel equally and generously supported and loved!

We are suggesting a donation of at least $50/child by December 13th.  Our goal is to have one request for donations this year (as opposed to multiple “asks” throughout the year), which is why you may notice this number being higher than in previous years. Please give what you can and know that all gifts are greatly appreciated!

Please Venmo @JCDSRI by December 13th to make your contribution (note “Teacher Appreciation” when making your gift through Venmo), or contact Sommer (sommerthomer89@gmail.com) for other ways to give.

Thank you so much for your support and generosity!

November 10, 2024

Hello, JCDSRI Families! My name is Tiferet Rose and along with teaching Science in grades 4 and 5, I also teach Nature in the Neighborhood which you may have heard about from your children. Nature in the Neighborhood is a weekly special for students in kindergarten through 3rd grade and has evolved over the last year. I am excited to share more about its current iteration with you in this Weekly Buzz. 

Every week, I have 45 minutes to facilitate a connection between our students and the nature that we encounter around us every day. Sometimes we stay on campus and sometimes we go off campus. Activities that we do at school include: exploring a worm bin and talking about decomposition, exploring the ways different plants make seeds with seed collages and seed ball making, leaf rubbing and bark rubbing art. Often, I take our students out on a neighborhood walk. Before we leave, I review expectations of walking safely and with the intention of noticing what’s around us. We notice fragrant plants, changing leaves and other interesting things that catch our eye. Sometimes we do a color scavenger hunt, tuning students’ eyes to the dominant colors of each changing season. The question I ask is always, what do we notice that’s the same as last week, and what is different from last week? In this way, students begin to notice the shifts in natural cycles as they occur in the world immediately around us, and questions naturally arise.

Another feature of Nature in the Neighborhood is adopting a “Special Spot.” This year, 1st and 2nd graders are adopting the lot behind the Church of the Redeemer on Hope St. Each week, students take the same walk to arrive at this space, and we notice how it changes as the Earth continues on its orbit around the Sun. Each time we visit, we’ll make observations of what we find there, noticing how the colors change, how the plants change, and what types of animals we might find (on the surface and subterraneously). 

Kindergarteners are adopting the space behind the Beit Am and transforming it into their own educational garden. Every week, we work together to improve and reorganize the space so that we can better utilize it as a garden. Students have been planting seeds, sifting compost, and moving rocks around as a starting point. In the coming months, we will create a partnership with the 5th grade class, who will help with the project. Kindergarten teachers will be able to integrate garden-based activities into their classroom content. 

The skills students gain through the Nature in the Neighborhood Specialty are skills they will continue to build in their Science classrooms. Being able to make observations and make connections between how things change through the seasons is foundational to successful Scientific thinking.

November 3, 2024

Tzedek, or Justice, is one of our five core values at JCDSRI, and while we’ve taken seriously our commitment to providing an equitable learning environment to all, this year we are bolstering our words with even more action as we work as a faculty and staff to formally adopt a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework. 

UDL and Tzedek go hand-in-hand. For example, one important focus area for Tzedek this year is on surveying the accessibility of our school facilities and curriculum, ensuring that we are meeting the physical and cognitive needs of our community. What does this look like in practice? In first grade, for instance, students read the book Strictly No Elephants in conjunction with their learning about our Sukkot theme, “Open Sukkah, Open Heart.” The class discussed what it feels like when “everyone is welcome,” regardless of physical ability or learning goals”. Fourth grade students read the novel Wonder over the summer, and learned about a child who has been in and out of the hospital for treatment of Treacher-Collins Syndrome. They considered questions such as: What is school like for a child who looks physically different? How might it feel to come to school after being away for a long time for medical treatment? As children engage with these texts, they also encounter the real-life examples that occur in our school every day: visitors who need our community Sukkah to be on a level surface so it can be navigated by a wheelchair or walker, a student who sits at a unique type of desk that helps her focus, another classmate who meets with a tutor to help with reading, or a teacher who sometimes uses a cane or braces to aid in walking. Our school is cognizant of our need to increase accessibility and we know that everyone is capable of learning and growing when we remove barriers.

Another area that has been an important focus of our Tzedek work this fall is our Science curriculum, where Morah Tiferet Rose has been instrumental in helping children understand the difference between trash, compost, and recycling. Morah Tiferet helped bring composting to JCDSRI, and the students have created signage around the school with clear examples of trash, recycling, and compost for all to see. “Compost Manager” is a class job in many classrooms, and students are taking ownership of this particular area of Tzedek. Our continued partnership with Save the Bay further emphasizes to students that they can take positive action to create a more environmentally balanced world. 

Our school and class libraries and our Social Studies curriculum continuously expose our students to the many cultures, ethnicities, religions, nationalities and more in the U.S. and around the world. We will continue our efforts to partner with the Brown/RISD “Hillel’n with Melanin” group of young Jews of Color, our commitment to doing our part to alleviate the effects of homelessness in Rhode Island, our support of the Narragansett Indian tribal community education programs, our engagement with Rhode Island Black historians and storytellers, and our professional development about LGBTQ+ educators, students, and families through the Welcoming Schools campaign.

Stay tuned for more updates throughout the year!

October 27, 2024

Hello JCDSRI families, my name is Alison Walter and I am the Development Director here at JCDSRI. 

I have worked in the Jewish communal field for the last 25 years with a focus on Jewish Day Schools for the last 15 years. My undergraduate degree is in Sociology and I have a double Masters in Social Work and Jewish Studies. I have worked in many settings including the BBYO National Office in DC, the Jewish Federation in Boston and a start up Jewish Day School in Framingham, MA.

My role at JCDSRI is vital in ensuring the school’s financial sustainability and growth. As some of you may know, tuition alone does not cover all of the costs at JCDSRI. My job is to cultivate relationships with community partners, alumni, parents, alumni parents and grandparents to ensure that any student can attend JCDSRI. We are always looking for 100% participation for our parent community to donate to the school. Keep an eye out over the next few months as we launch our campaign for the year.

Ask your kids if they have had visitors in their classroom in these first few weeks of school! These tours exemplify our five values and really inspire our board, donors, and community partners to continue to support the school.

Please feel free to reach out to me at to set up a meeting or conversation! I would love to connect.

October 6, 2024

Positive Discipline encourages three core beliefs that we instill in our students:

“I am capable”

“I can contribute to our JCDSRI community in valuable ways”

“I can use my power to make choices that positively impact our community”.

At JCDSRI, we understand it is not the job of teachers to control students’ behavior, but rather to create a community where students feel a sense of belonging and are afforded opportunities to make mistakes and to learn and practice valuable social and life skills. 

Prioritizing social emotional learning (SEL) and explicitly teaching students how to recognize their own feelings and those of others prepare our students to approach their relationships and their responsibilities with insight and empathy. At JCDSRI, students and teachers co-create classroom expectations and work together to uphold them, using age-appropriate communication skills, problem-solving skills and various techniques to identify, express, and manage feelings. Teachers set aside time each day to bring the class together as a community. During these meetings, students practice active listening, engage in problem solving, and learn to invite and appreciate different outlooks with an open mind. 

Through the Weekly Buzz, I want to dive deeper and introduce you to the concept of the “Mistaken Goals” of Positive Discipline. Utilizing the framework of “Mistaken Goals” allows our teachers to think critically about the behavior that they are seeing in class. We want to understand what is truly being communicated so that we can help empower our students in our classrooms. 

What are Mistaken Goals?

It is important to understand the four “mistaken goals” when understanding a child’s behavior; undue attention, revenge, misguided power, and assumed inadequacy. For example, everyone wants attention, right? It’s part of human nature. The fundamental human need to feel belonging and connection. The problem arises in classrooms when students seek attention in negative ways because of their mistaken beliefs about how to gain a sense of belonging. The Mistaken Goal of Undue Attention occurs when students have the belief that, “I’m okay only if I get attention.” 

On the Mistaken Goal Chart, we point out that it is your feelings (second column) that give you the first clue to understanding the “mistaken goal”. Many teachers and parents ask, “Why do my feelings help me understand the child’s mistaken goal?” It is because your feelings indicate your “reaction” to the misbehavior. When you respond to a student’s behavior by feeling irritated, annoyed, worried, or guilty, it is likely that his or her mistaken goal is Undue Attention. 

Understanding the purpose behind the student’s misbehavior can help you find the most effective tool. For example, since the coded message of undue attention seeking is “notice me and involve me usefully,” involving the student in class jobs or leading a prayer, a child might feel a greater sense of belonging and connection, and as a result decrease negative attention seeking behavior.

At JCDSRI we are proud as we continue to scaffold and practice developmentally appropriate methods in teaching about Mistaken Goals. By teaching our students to be independent and capable problem solvers, we enable them to use their personal power constructively. We believe it is our responsibility to help them learn to use their gifts in ways that contribute to their families, their communities, and to the world. Families of our graduates often return to share how the kindness, compassion, and emotional intelligence that was fostered at JCDSRI dramatically impacted their children’s academic and social success in middle school and beyond.

September 29, 2024

Hi JCDSRI Families, I’m Rhonda Mills, Director of Yahadut (Judaic Studies). In this role, I have the joy of working with a wonderful team of Yahadut and Ivrit  (Hebrew language) teachers to plan our school-wide Jewish holiday celebrations. Additionally, as a team we look at our Yahadut and Ivrit curricula ensuring that students build their skills from one grade to the next. We also find ways to integrate our Jewish learning with the learning that is happening in General Studies.

Our focus on Jewish Holidays means it is our busy time of year! With Rosh Hashanah coming next week and then quickly followed by Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah, there’s lots to reflect upon and celebrate. All of our students are learning the joy of welcoming a new year and the opportunity it presents for sweet, new beginnings. Students will participate in Tashlich, a ceremony connected to the holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We prepare by reflecting on our past choices and actions – and then symbolically throw away the mistakes that we have made during the past year by tossing small pebbles into a moving body of water. In this way, we prepare to enter the new year with a clean slate with the goal of working to become the best versions of ourselves. Our Jewish tradition teaches that it is not easy to acknowledge our missteps and has set aside ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, called the Aseret Yimai T’shuvah (Ten Days of Repentance), for us to reflect on the past year and the changes that we hope to make in the upcoming year.  

This time of year coordinates beautifully with the SEL, Social Emotional Learning, focus of our first 6 weeks of school as we build community in each of our classes. Becoming the best version of ourselves is not just about saying sorry. It’s about digging deeper to figure out what we could have done differently in our most challenging moments. Our students are introduced to the steps of T’shuvah, which involve admitting a mistake, apologizing and then when a person is faced with the same situation again, a better course of action is chosen. We are working to create a culture of kindness and acceptance at JCDSRI. These special days that our rabbis have set aside are but reminders of the important, ongoing lifelong process that our students are participating in as they continually develop a sense of empathy and sensitivity for others. 

We need to give them (our children) the strongest possible sense of collective responsibility for the common good. . . we need to ensure life’s blessings are shared. . . The world our children will inherit tomorrow is born in the schools we build today.” Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, 2017

September 22, 2024

Hi JCDSRI Families! My name is Ruth Horton and I am the Director of Early Childhood here at JCDSRI. 

I have been in the field of education for over forty years. Luckily, I am young at heart! My undergraduate degree is in Elementary Education and my graduate degree is in Early Childhood with a focus on Special Education. I have worked in many different settings including Meeting Street and in public school settings both in inclusive classrooms as well as classrooms for students with profound needs. 

I believe my most important role is to mentor teachers and engage with the students. I spend a good deal of my time in Nitzanim, Ilanot and Kindergarten observing, supporting, and playing! I am very cognizant of how each child develops in their own time and in their own unique way.

This year children in Nitzanim, Ilanot and Kindergarten will be introduced to and for some, reintroduced to Social Stories. Social Stories are fun tools to help children learn about a variety of topics including how to play with a friend or how to get ready for snack time. Our teachers make each story into a book which they then regularly read to the class so that students can anticipate how activities might feel or what the expectations are for a given activity or part of the day. The stories generally include simple, clear language and include photos of the real-life setting or people involved. These help provide context and connection for our youngest students. Over the years I have witnessed how effective this process is in helping children understand their environments and feel prepared for their day at school or really anywhere. 

I look forward to seeing you at Open School Night.

September 15, 2024

Standing outside each morning to greet JCDSRI students, parents and faculty (and even neighbors walking their dogs), I hope that my waves, high fives, and smiles communicate how genuinely happy I am to see each member of our community. I am grateful to have the opportunity every day, rain or shine, to practice, and to model, hachnasat orchim.

This value of hachnasat orchim – welcoming the guest – animates much of our school culture. It is evident in the way every classroom’s student “greeter” warmly welcomes visitors, in the hugs older students give to their younger “buddies,” and in the stories and lessons our teachers construct with their students.

Beginning in Nitzanim and Ilanot, our students are introduced to the concept of hachnasat orchim when they hear the story of Avraham and Sarah who demonstrated great compassion and generosity when they invited three guests (who turned out to be angels) into their tent. This example inspires us at JCDSRI, as it did Rashi (the great commentator), who explained that Avraham’s commitment to hachnasat orchim was so great that he refused to leave the entrance of his tent so that he would not miss the opportunity to greet every traveler walking past!

What is it about this Torah story that we continue to find so compelling? Perhaps because it is tied to the exhortation that appears in the Torah: “The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens; you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” (Leviticus 19:33-34) Our unsettling experiences as outsiders, the rabbis suggest, compel us to follow the model of Avraham and Sarah. We should open the entrances to our “tents” and seek out the “strangers” in our midst.

This value of hospitality, as well as our awareness that we once were strangers in a strange land, is woven into the fabric of our Jewish identities. It reminds us at JCDSRI that we are to construct an authentically welcoming community, one that not only embraces the familiar (the “insider”), but also warmly invites those not yet known, into our embrace. 

I invite you to take a pause, however brief, as you drop off your child(ren) as I would love to greet you! And I encourage you to greet those who are new and returning in our community. 

May we be blessed to be seen and welcomed and to see and welcome others.

September 8, 2024

My name is Jill Davis and I am the principal here at JCDSRI. I have the privilege of working closely with our students, faculty and administrators. One of my roles at JCDSRI is to provide engaging and appropriate Professional Development for our teachers and support staff. This work of developing and facilitating our own Professional Development for JCDSRI faculty is a passion of mine and one of the most exciting parts of my job.

Professional Development at JCDSRI provides an opportunity for teachers to grow their knowledge and sharpen their skills, which can lead to better student outcomes. It’s a way for our teachers to collaborate with their colleagues, and one avenue through which administrators can support our teachers. This summer teachers and administrators alike came together for three full days of Professional Development.  Universal Design for Learning has been a major focus for us and continued to be during our summer learning. As our incredible partners, we want to take a moment to introduce these concepts to you as you will hear and read about components of UDL throughout the year. 

JCDSRI is a Universal Design for Learning school. The ultimate goal of UDL is for all learners to become “expert learners.” Expert learners are purposeful and motivated, resourceful and knowledgeable, and strategic and goal-directed about learning.

UDL is a powerful approach because from the very start of a lesson, it helps our teachers anticipate and plan for all of our learners. It can help us make sure that the greatest range of students can access and engage in learning —leaving no student behind.

Our JCDSRI educational community has learned that UDL may change how we think about what prevents students from learning. Instead of thinking that something needs to change about the students, UDL looks at the learning environment. The learning environment can include barriers to learning, like the design of the curricular goals, assessments, methods, and materials. In this way, the learning environment itself can be “abled” or “dis-abled.”UDL gives us a framework to follow so we can reduce the barriers to learning. 

During our time together, we learned more about the 3 principles of UDL; engagement, representation, action and expression. UDL describes human variability based on parts of the brain that manage the “why” (affective network), the “what” (recognition network), and the “how (strategic network) of learning. However, this was not the first time teachers heard about UDL.  This has been an ongoing journey since last year. In fact, our faculty and staff read “Unlearning” by Alison Posey and Katie Novak in preparation for our summer Professional Development and were asked to come in with responses from the literature that were then discussed and unpacked further.

I am so proud of all our JCDSRI educators. During our time together they collaborated on several UDL tasks, worked in teams, role-played various “real” UDL classroom scenarios, and presented on many UDL topics and case studies – all of which reflected our values, aligned with our mission and educational philosophy. 

September 1, 2024

My name is Bethany Weinstein and I would like to formally and enthusiastically introduce myself as JCDSRI’s social worker! I began in this role last year, when I was lovingly welcomed by students, families, teachers, and the entire school community. Due to my mid-year arrival, I realize I may have missed the opportunity to introduce myself to everyone, and I am excited to do so now as we begin this upcoming school year.

I have been practicing as a social worker since 2011.  Prior to my time here at JCDSRI, I worked as a social worker in the Providence Public Schools and, before that, as a social worker at Butler Hospital.  It is through these experiences that I have come to humbly appreciate the value of social workers in schools. I have had the privilege of learning from and working with some truly incredible colleagues over the years and JCDSRI has proven to be a place where I will continue to share wisdom, collaborate, learn and grow!

In my role at JCDSRI, I will have the opportunity to work with students in groups and focused, time-limited individual sessions. I will support teachers as they continue to integrate our social/emotional curriculum throughout the year. I will also be available to help support you, our incredible families, as you navigate the joys and challenges of parenting!

Please feel free to reach out to me! I can be found at school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and I can always be reached on my email at bweinstein@jcdsri.com. I will do my best to get back to you within 24 hours. I am wishing you all a wonderful school year!

August 25, 2024

What is the JCDSRI Weekly Buzz, you may ask? We are excited to tell you!

We heard requests from families last year for more information about the happenings at school, greater insight into the work of our Education Leadership Team led by Principal, Jill Davis, greater access to resources from our incredible team of faculty and staff as well as more news from the classrooms BUT we don’t want to add any more emails to your inbox. The JCDSRI Weekly Buzz is our solution! Each week you will find something new in the Weekly Buzz as part of the JCDSRI Press and our website.

We hope that this will serve to increase your understanding of all of the work taking place at JCDSRI. If there are particular topics you would like to see covered, please feel free to reach out to Shayna Fel.

A Message from our JCDSRI Board President

From the Board Installation  June 5, 2024

During the exodus from Egypt, the Jewish people are guided by three leaders.  While Moses tends to get all the credit, it is really what the rabbis name in the commentaries as “the three good sustainers” who lead the Jewish people across the sea and through the wilderness.  

  • Moses, reluctant with humility and patience.
  • Aaron, impulsive but charismatic
  • Miriam, loyal, strategic and joyful

The three good sustainers.  Or in modern day terms, we might say it takes a village.  That is true of a school as well. 

Dr. Michael Berger, religion professor at Emory, suggests that the lessons of this trio are many, but in part we can learn from them how leaders are made.  Berger argues that Moses, Aaron and Miriam aren’t practiced, natural leaders, but they do come into their positions with traits that prime them for leadership. And then they are challenged with opportunities to practice and hone their skills. This is true for all of us.  Practice always makes us better.

I know this has been true for Shosh and our board, for Andrea and the admin team, as well as for our teachers, our students, and our community.  Each challenge is an opportunity to practice and hone our skills.  To live our values.  And to be the good we want to see in the world.  Every day, we bring our talents, gifts, energies, and superpowers to this place and leaders emerge.  And somehow, we make it through the wilderness together.  

As I assume this role as President of the JCDSRI board, I promise to bring my superpowers as well.  I believe in this school.  I believe in the 5 values of chesed, kavod, achriyut, kehillah and tzedek and I know from watching my own JCDSRI graduate (Micah class of 2023) that he is a good person, a better person, a total mensch because these values live deep inside him (Jewishly and secularly) even as he goes on to succeed in new spaces.  I believe that no Jewish community can thrive without a thriving Jewish day school and I promise to do my best to lead with all the other “good sustainers” who make this school what it is.  It takes a village and I am proud to be a part of this one.

Dr. Lesley Bogad, the President of the JCDSRI Board of Trustees, is a professor at Rhode Island College in the school of education. She teaches classes in all things related to social justice and schooling, and directs the Youth Development BA program.  The oldest of three sisters, Lesley grew up in Los Angeles where her parents were both Jewish educators (and she attended Jewish day school herself.) She went to college in NYC, and attended graduate school in Syracuse, NY.  She has lived in Providence since 2001. In her free time, she plays in the ceramics studio making functional pottery and Judaica.

Winter Playdates

Stuck inside with your little ones? Join us!
Warm-up and play in our gym! Get your wiggles
out as you play, tumble, or read in a cozy corner.
We will provide light snacks and coffee.
Welcoming children ages 0-4 years old with a parent or caregiver.

Walk-In Wednesdays

We look forward to welcoming you to JCDSRI!

Drop-in any time from 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. for our parent information sessions.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

STEAM Splash 2019!

Our fourth annual STEAM Splash event took place this spring. STEAM Splash is a yearly design-fest that brings together the skills and interests of community members with the unbridled enthusiasm of our students. Parents and friends from our community, along with partners from Brown and RISD, ran 30 different STEAM-themed workshops over a three-day period. Students in Pre-K through fifth grade enjoyed a “splash” of fun, educational play, encouraging their love of science, technology, engineering, arts and math.

Forty years strong!

Last month, over 200 guests, including current families, alumni, teachers, friends and donors, celebrated our school‘s four decades of impactful education during our Gala. It is not a coincidence that the celebration occurred right before Passover. After all, Passover is a holiday that, perhaps more than any other, reminds us of the importance of education, of peoplehood, and of courage.

I am reminded of a midrash, the People of Israel are standing on the shore of a sea. Water – deep and wide – stretches out before us. Behind us, an army of Egyptian horsemen is advancing quickly. Moses receives the message from God that we are to cross the sea. He urges us forward – but the water is too deep, too rough, too dangerous. Suddenly, we hear a cry and see a man – Nachshon – jump into the water. He stands, starts moving forward . . . and just as the water reaches his neck, the sea parts. For a moment we are stunned – and then in a great rush, we cross over the dry sea bed, leaving the Egyptians to be swallowed by water.

What was it that drove Nachshon into the sea? I think it was his understanding that faith alone – while a profound and powerful force – was not enough to save us. Faith without action can leave us shackled and helpless. That may be why the Hebrew word for courage – ometz – is best translated as a “willingness to take action.”

Nachshon demonstrated ometz even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. I am grateful that in every generation, there have been courageous leaders following in Nachshon’s footsteps – including the founding families of our school. Like Nachshon, they worried about their children and their ability to live free, meaningful lives as Jews. Who would become the community’s future leaders, educators and caretakers? How would they teach their children that they were also part of a covenantal community – one that honors our sacred obligations to one another?

Using the model of Nachshon and so many others in our tradition, our founders courageously heeded the call v’sheenantam l’vanecha – teach them to your children. They founded a school: one that would be passionate about Jewish learning, value relationships, engage meaningfully in Jewish life, nurture a connection to Israel, embrace an egalitarian spirit, and commit to tikkun olam – the healing of the world.

JCDSRI still reflects these core values articulated by our founding families 40 years ago. And at the same time that we remember our origins, we also celebrate the ways in which we continue to renew ourselves for every generation. Throughout the years, we have been blessed with hundreds of individuals and families who have supported our school with courage – with ometz – a willingness to take action. This legacy – and our hope for the future – continues to be reflected in the lives of our children. We continue to understand that our future depends on the decisions and commitments we make today. May this exceptional school – founded by courageous families and sustained by all of us – continue ad meah v’esrim – until 120!

Inventing new colors

Young children love the immediate satisfaction of painting. Mixing colors is a magic and instant alchemy that has enthralled our Pre-K students for the past few weeks in art. Mr. Mirsky challenged the children to “invent” as many new colors as they could. With this prompting, children learned the basics of color theory and improved fine motor control, but they were also given the opportunity to create something the world has never seen before. That’s the sense of discovery we love to encourage in our art room!