
October News

After reviewing my plethora of photographs, I realized I was way overdue for a blog post. Even with all of the holidays and the short weeks, we have packed in a lot of learning. Here are some highlights:

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  • We attended a memorable Tashlich service with the entire school at India Point Park.
  • We researched facts about a new class pet to adopt in the classroom to accompany the Bearded Dragon.
  • We wrote and shared our persuasive pet essays with the third and fourth graders.
  • We dissected owl pellets and discovered bones, skeletons and fur (oh my)!
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  • We researched The Snowy Owl, Barn Owl, Grey Owl, Elf Owl and Great Horned Owl and created an art project to incorporate our facts (check out the 3/4 bulletin board).
  • We created advertisements for a child centered business and shared them with our classmates (inspired by the Lemonade War).
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  • We read and discussed the first few chapters of our new amazing class novel, Wonder (We hope you have started to read along with us).
  • We played math games in cooperative groups such as multiplication concentration and dice multiplication roll.
  • We started a new math unit on multi-digit multiplication using the “magic zero” to solve problems.
  • We listened to a guest speaker from RI Center of The Book as she shared an exciting nation-wide book letter contest that we will all be entering in January.
  • We planned and conducted our very own 4th grade assembly for the entire school (Thank you Rabbi Gouze).

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Upcoming Dates:

October 22nd=Picture Day

October 22=Field trip to Petco

October 29th=Field trip to Audubon Society

November 19th=Field trip to Tap-in (food bank)

December 3rd=6:30 p.m. Wonder Book Talk