
Teva Day 2: Ecology

Students woke up before their alarm clocks today.  They were so excited to start the day with hot cocoa.
Students woke up before their alarm clocks today. They were so excited to start the day with hot cocoa.


Afterwards we participated in morning shacharit, the morning prayer service. Afterwards we participated in morning shacharit, the morning prayer service.
Students had time outside alone in nature during the amidah, the silent prayer.  I wonder what  parents think about the idea of praying in this way.
Students had time outside alone in nature during the amidah, the silent prayer. I wonder what parents think about the idea of praying in this way.
After a yummy breakfast, we sang songs about decomposition, with groovy hand signals.
After a yummy breakfast, we sang songs about decomposition, with groovy hand signals.
Dancing in the dining hall is an unusual (and awesome!) experience.
Dancing in the dining hall is an unusual (and awesome!) experience.

In their outdoor learning groups, students' focus today was on ecology.  Can you guess which local plant produced this cool effect?
In their outdoor learning groups, students’ focus today was on ecology. Can you guess which local plant produced this cool effect?


Students journalled seriously
Students journalled seriously
And made serious mustaches
And made serious mustaches


The joy of discovery
The joy of discovery
The impressive compost piles here inspire us
The impressive compost piles here inspire us
Snacks are healthy and plentiful
Snacks are healthy and plentiful
This group is super proud of their discovery of an edible mushroom.  They even put it on the "cool stuff table"!
This group is super proud of their discovery of an edible mushroom. They even put it on the “cool stuff table”!

The teachers went for a hike too!
The teachers hit the trails too!
After a day on the trail, students were feeling pretty tired.  Still, they regaled us with tales of fire building, cave discovery, and amazement over all the living organisms in the lake
After a day on the trail, students were feeling pretty tired. Still, they regaled us with tales of fire building, cave discovery, and amazement over all the living organisms in the lake


During chofesh, or free time, frisbee was a popular choice
During chofesh, or free time, frisbee was a popular choice
It was gorgeous weather for outdoor play
It was gorgeous weather for outdoor play
Students showed off their skills
Students learned new tricks
While others learned new skills from their peers
And others learned  from their peers


Students reflect on their moments of awe.  After a whole group game of Predator and Prey, the interconnectedness of ecosystems resonates even more.
Students reflect on their moments of awe. After a whole group game of Predator and Prey, the interconnectedness of ecosystems resonates even more.



Teva Day 1: Awareness

Our day began before the first light.  Here we are on the way.
Our day began before the first light. Here we are on the way.


Rabbi Gouze was a rock star driver.  Here's our bus by our cabin.
Rabbi Gouze was a rock star driver. Here’s our bus by our cabin.
We distinguished ourselves as thoughtful and energetic participants.  There are 96 students here from 6 schools, and we are the only 5th grade.  JCDS rocks!
We distinguished ourselves as thoughtful and energetic participants. There are 96 students here from 6 schools, and we are the only 5th grade. JCDS rocks!
We watched a skit, enjoyed some meals, went on a day hike, and a night hike, all the while focussed on building awareness if our natural surroundings.  What an eye-opening first day!
We watched a skit, enjoyed some meals, went on a day hike, and a night hike, all the while focussed on building awareness if our natural surroundings. What an eye-opening first day!
We started with lively ice breakers.  One was the same Rock Paper Scissors one that Mr. Tilove introduced on the 1st day of school!
We started with lively ice breakers. One was the same Rock Paper Scissors one that Mr. Tilove introduced on the 1st day of school!
We are awed by the natural beauty of this place.
We are awed by the natural beauty of this place.
We listened to information at our cabin, as we got excited to unpack.
We listened to information at our cabin, as we got excited to unpack.
After a skit, lunch, hiking on the trail, focusing on the awareness of their natural surroundings, we went back for chofesh, or free time.
After a skit, lunch, hiking on the trail, focusing on the awareness of their natural surroundings, we went back for chofesh, or free time.
When will we get to see our rooms?
When will we get to see our rooms?
Practicing patience
Practicing patience
How great does our bus look here?
How great does our bus look here?
We met students from other schools and learned what the day would look like.
We met students from other schools and learned what the day would look like.

From Rotem’s Lashon class

On the last day of Sukkot we sat in the sukkah and learned about Ushpizin and who they are. We incorporated in our learning the skill of solving problems. Family Admoni is having guests for Sukkot and we had to organize the seating around the table (file attached for you to solve, ushpizin.)

We have started to learn poems written by the Israeli author Yehuda Atlas and have learned the poem הילד הזה הוא אני. There are two goals for the project: linguistically (ways to describe oneself) and artistically (ways to draw oneself based on an Israeli artist Hanoch Pivan. This part will be done in art class.)

Photo 2014-10-25

We selected names for the groups. The smaller group chose for themselves the name “אין שם “ (no name) and the other group the name הפלאפלים (the falafels).

The group EinShem:  We continue with our reading from the story Boy’s Prayer. This week we learned four new verbs from the story: קורא (read), שומע (listen), ,תוקע (blow the shofar), and אומר (say). We also have practiced to our first quiz and had it on Friday. This will be our regular routine from now on.

The group Hafalafelim:  We continued with the topic “direct object” in Hebrew and expanded the number of verbs, which followed by the word ‘את’. We need a lot of practice in all skills because this structure does not exist in English. Photo 2014-10-23 11.36.34

Native Hebrew  speakers:  The students design their own board game to practice verbs, and their correct form based on a story they had read in the book ‘מילה טובה’. We also started the workbook Eshkolit, which focuses on the structure of the Hebrew sentences.

Have a wonderful week

Lehitraot, Rotem



Second Grade Thanks Yous

A great big Todah Rabah to Ivy’s family for hosting our class at their sukkah! The weather cooperated and we had a wonderful visit, enjoying a delicious snack and a silly story about sharing the sukkah experience with many creatures. image image imageimageimage image imageimage image Now that the fall holidays have been celebrated including Simchat Torah when  we finish reading the Torah for the year and immediately begin again, we are learning about the weekly Torah portion.

We learned songs about creation and the snake who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. We read a number of fun books for Parashat Noach including Noah’s Bark, by Stephen Krensky.



We had a special guest come into our class to present about the story of Noah. Sophie’s Dad, Rabbi Aaron Philmus had the second graders riveted during his multi-faceted lesson. The second graders started by singing “Rise and Shine” accompanied by Rabbi Philmus on the guitar and then had a chance to act out sections of the story, costumes and rain makers included!

Philip as Noah
Philip as Noah
Atticus, the rainmaker
Atticus, the rainmaker
Rabbi Philmus, the raven
Rabbi Philmus, the raven
Eli, the dove
Eli, the dove
Zoe, Noah's wife, Naamah
Zoe, Noah’s wife, Naamah

Rabbi Philmus concluded with a video of endangered and extinct animals reminding us that Noah was given the responsibility to care for and save the animals during the flood. Protecting the animals is now our responsibility in this generation. The second graders were quite concerned about the many animals who need protection in order to survive.

Thank you, Rabbi Philmus for such an engaging lesson! We look forward to you coming into our class again later in the year.


Weekly Update

First Stop: Video News

Now that we have had a full week of school, science was back in full swing!  Our scientific week started out with the dissection of a seed.  During the dissection, we learned about the major seed parts; the plant food (cotyledon), seed coat, and baby plant (embryo) .

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We continued exploring plants by planting seeds with our buddies that will grow in the fifth grade grow lab.

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Then we had the chance to go to Blackstone Park and collect interesting nature specimens which later fueled much learning, discussion, and experimentation in class.  Thanks to Mara for coming along!

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In Design Lab, we began our study on balance and motion by learning about weights, counterweights, and balance points.

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We finished up our week with an awesome guest reader!2014-10-24 12.48.04

Although our weeks have been short, we are continuing to engage in many activities!

To help us practice writing our names using an uppercase and lowercase letters properly, we created Dazzling Name cards. Each child wrote his/her name in pencil and then we traced their names with glue. Afterwards, the children sprinkled glitter over the glue to make their names dazzle! We will continue to use these cards to help us remember to use an uppercase letter for the first letter in our names, followed by lowercase letters.






names 2

We practiced building the uppercase letter E with elastic bands on the geoboards. To help us write the lowercase e, we are using the following image/saying:

letter e

1) Start with the baseball

2) Hit the ball

3) Run around the bases

4) Slide into home!


We also created our letter E card to add to our alphabet wall. The children drew pictures of elephants, exit signs, eggs, Ella, Emily, elevators, etc.


We continue to enjoy reading together in our guided reading groups! The children have been working on taking turns reading and following along with their peers, identifying sight words, and making observations about the texts. They also read the books that they wrote to one another!



This week, we will learn two new sight words:



These words will be added to our classroom word walk! We will also practice identifying these words in more stories and environmental print around our classroom and the school.

We have been practicing to differentiate between the use of the period, the question mark, and the exclamation point. This is a great activity to practice at home too! For instance, say the following sentence aloud using a period:

The puppy ran away.

Now say it using an exclamation point:

The puppy ran away!

Now try it using a question mark:

The puppy ran away?

Using the proper inflection in your tone as well as facial expressions make this activity fun for the children. It’s also helpful to use a visual of the marks, and this will continue to reinforce punctuation mark identification.

We started making our counting books! The children are using various materials to create these books including glitter, glitter glue, pom poms, feathers, popsicle sticks beads, etc. The children are working hard to select and glue a given number of objects on each page.  Ask your child to think about what page 8 of their counting book might look like…


math book 1

math book 2

math book 3

Mrs. Woods helped us make Limonana! (Mint lemonade)  First, we picked mint from our JCDSRI garden. Then we washed the mint, and mixed it with boiling water. We strained out the liquid and mixed it with lemon juice, cold water, and sugar. Everyone shared the same opinion: the limonana was delicious!

garden 2

garden 1


This week we are reading Platypus Lost. This book is about a little girl who continually looses her stuffed platypus in different locations including the playground, the lake, and even the market!

We learned the following song about a purple platypus.

(To the tune of Baby Bumble Bee)

Oh I lost my purple platypus today

Searched around the market couldn’t find him anywhere

My grandpa peeked in a bag of groceries

Look! We found him!

We have been identifying the following “amazing” vocabulary words in our stories and songs this week:







The children made self-to-text connections by illustrating pictures of their own personal stuffed companions. They drew pictures of stuffed sharks, rabbits, bears, lemurs, monkeys, and a blanket.  Some of the children even decided to observe their rest time snugglies to help them create their pictures!

stuffed companion

stuffed companion 1

stuffed companion 2

stuffed companion 3

Together with our buddies, we went on a nature walk/scavenger hunt around the neighborhood! We spotted rocks, leaves, sticks, cloud formations, trees, acorns, pine cones, and much more. Many of our discoveries can now be found on our science table! 

nature walk 2

nature walk

Jonah’s Post about Ecosystems

image image imageLast week we made our own food chains, and as a class made a food web. Some of the food chains were life in a swamp, ocean and mountain, and there were others also. In the food web we each picked an animal and learned what it ate and what ate it. Next we each said what our animals ate and what ate it. Then we connected yarn from one of us to another.If our animal ate theirs or if theirs ate ours. then we would drop the strings one by one as they got eaten or overpopulated and starved. This made me realize that if one thing dies out, other things do too.

From Rotem’s Lashon class

The room was filled with Hebrew, serious learning and excitement in the past two weeks. Each student made a huge progress. I am happy to announce that the Shaliach (Israeli emissary), Gilor (pronounced Gil-Or) will join our class every Thursday.

In Lashon we are using stories as a jumping off point for our learning.  Ask your child about the story he or she read in class!

Regular group – We are reading ‘תפילה של ילד’ (Boy’s Prayer.) We learned three new verbs from the story: יושב (sit) לומד (learn) הולך (go/walk). We practiced building full sentences using these verbs in present tense to fit them to the person who does the action such as he, she, they, boys and girls.

Photo 2014-09-18 08.01.05IMG_0872

Advanced group – We read stories about new beginnings of two girls. In class and at home we practiced the new vocabulary and talked about the stories. Photo 2014-09-18 07.59.32

We have started our new workbook חברים בעברית Chaverim B’Ivrit. The group of verbs we are studying can appear in two ways in a sentence like in English 1) I like to watch movies 2) I watch the movie at night. We learned four new verbs and practiced more verbs that fit that group.


דוברי עברית Native Hebrew speakers: we have started our workbook מילה טובה. We are learning about verbs and what verbs can tell us.

Homework routine

I want to make it clear that All HW is a reinforcement of what we do in class. We started our HW routine this week. Here it is:

  • HW given on Monday is due Wednesday – worksheet/ workbook/ writing assignment/ etc.

  • Thursday’s HW is due Friday – reading practice. I will send an email on Wednesday evening to the students’ email addresses.

  • Monday due following Monday – independent reading, which will start after Simchat Torah.  I’ll provide more info when we get there.

  • Friday – quiz, which will start after Simchat Torah

שנה טובה וחתימה טובה Shanah Tova and chatima tovah. Rotem


Approaching the New Year 5775

The second and third graders enjoyed listening to the book, The Shofar That Lost Its Voice, a story about a boy named Avi who was planning to blow the shofar on Rosh Hashana and for some unknown reason the shofar would not sound. image     It turns out that the shofar was reluctant to let its sound be heard in our world since there are so many sounds here that are unkind. The students thoughtfully considered which sounds the shofar would be satisfied with in our world and which ones we should work hard to get rid of in order to improve our world.

Yes to the sound of helping
Yes to the sound of helping
No to the sound of arguing
No to the sound of arguing
Yes to the sound of laughing
Yes to the sound of laughing
No to the sound of bullying
No to the sound of bullying
Yes to the sounds of learning and playing
Yes to the sounds of learning and playing
No to the sounds of war
No to the sounds of war
Yes to the sounds of singing and praying
Yes to the sounds of singing and praying

In our learning about Yom Kippur, we focused on the custom of wearing white on the holiday as a way to get the image of a fresh new start for the new year. The second graders enjoyed our white clothing project while practicing some basic Hebrew vocabulary and conjugation of the verb wear!










Weekly Update

First Stop: Video News

Quick note to parents: I send home school work to students throughout the week with hopes that you will look at it, learn about what your child is working on in class, and decide what is important enough to keep and what can be recycled.  It is my hope that through this work and through the classroom blog you get a window into what we are learning that week.

We had a busy week, as you can tell from our slightly hectic video news.  We are taking advantage of the few full weeks we have in October.

First I want to say thank you to all of the parents who were able to join us at Open School Night.  It was great to see familiar faces and welcome new ones.

We had a full week of learning in second grade filled with reading, writing and math.  In math, we are learning how to add large numbers vertically with and without regrouping.  Students got a chance to practice their math skills during our math center time with iPads, math games, and written practice.
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We also spent some time in the garden during science time.  We observed, measured, and diagrammed our pea plants.  Additionally, after learning the meaning of the word “germinate”, we used a high-tech microscope to look at a the process of germination in a pea seed.  

2014-10-02 13.57.49   2014-10-02 13.57.52

In Design Lab, we used our creativity and teamwork to build a classroom sukkah!

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This week in Writer’s Workshop, we began working on our first long term writing project.  Students will be writing, editing, and publishing a “Small Moment Story” which is a true story about an important moment in their lives.

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We look forward to another half week of school!