“STEAM represents a paradigm shift from traditional education philosophy, based on standardized test scores, to a modern ideal which focuses on valuing the learning process as much as the results. In essence, we dare our students to be wrong, to try multiple ideas, listen to alternate opinions and create a knowledge base that is applicable to real life as opposed to simply an exam” -Deron Cameron
*During STEAM week our third graders had fun learning about optical illusions, circuitry, math card tricks, and anatomy drawing. What was your child’s favorite part about STEAM week?
During the past few weeks we:
- took a field trip to India Point Park and CLEANED the entire park on EARTH DAY! 🙂 I am so proud of the third grade!
- tested the playground soil during science
- began planting in our garden….yay it’s SPRING!
- learned about currency and began fractions
- presented our state brochure projects
- began a new Readers’ Theater on the concept “Freedom”
- continued learning more cursive combinations and will start implementing cursive into our everyday writing this upcoming week
- continued working on our autobiography. We are currently typing our final drafts on the computer:)
- explored more “voice” in writing
- switched guided reading groups and are now reading Pippi Longstocking and The School Story
- challenged and tested our architectural skills and REDESIGNED our third grade classroom into a literacy PALACE on paper. Then, prototyped our ideas using wooden building blocks. Students had AMAZING ideas on how to follow through with the soon-to-be MAKEOVER in preparation for our annual READ-A-THON! 🙂
- had Sam Drazen visit the classroom. Wow, Sam is quite an inspiration! The students were engaged and very respectful as he told his story about the various obstacles and challenges when born with a craniofacial condition. Please ask your child about his visit. In addition, ask about how he connects in many ways with the main character August in the story, Wonder.
- Please send in a few pictures (scanned or copies) of your child and family etc. for his or her autobiography
- Zimriyah this Thursday, May 7th
- Special Visitors Day this Friday, May 8th
- Read-a-Thon May 29th, 2015
- We are looking for summer care-takers for our beloved class pets Gizmo and Bugsy. Please let me know if you are interested 🙂