Reading is Thinking. During read alouds, we have enjoyed reading many books that have helped us to focus on cause and effect in a story. Some of our favorite books are If You Give a Dog a Donut and If you Give a Pig a Pancake by Laura Numeroff. We also practiced this skill during our guided reading groups. When you can figure out when the author is telling you about why something happened, or the cause, and what happened, or the effect, then you will better understand what you are reading. In our class, we have become so good at noticing cause and effect in our readings that we wrote our own cause- and-effect stories. Some of our creative stories included: If you Give a Chicken Chinese; If you Give a Dog a Dill Pickle; If you Give a Monkey a Muffin, and If you Give an Ant an Apple. Reading and writing is fun when we wear our thinking caps!