First Stop: Video News
Each week we will have a few different newscasters telling about some things we did that week in school. Enjoy!
Student Blogger (Each Friday a different student writes about one thing they really enjoyed or learned that week in school.)
“We had a aosume reses today” – Atticus
Student Book Reviewer (Each Friday a student will review a book he is reading or a book we are reading together in class)
“Our class read a book about a kid that wonted to save a dragon, but he had every day supplies. I liked the book.” – Yasha
Now, onto some teacher-presented news…
We had our first design lab this week. Kids were introduced to our new building and prototyping materials, and were asked to choose a material to build one thing to show something they did this summer. They really let their creative juices flow as they built pools out of legos, flowers out of pattern blocks, and camp cabins out of Lincoln Logs.
We had the great pleasure of spending our first morning in the garden with the help of our garden teacher, Mrs. Woods. We observed the growth of some of the plants that students planted last year when they were in first grade. We picked and tasted some yummy kale, and we picked a patty pan squash, that we will later cook and eat. These kids are weeding machines! They really know how to dig in and get their hands dirty. Soon, we will plant some fall seeds!
Students also got the chance to practice their writing skills by writing a story about their summer vacations. Kids really had some fabulous experiences this summer, and it was wonderful for them to share their stories with the whole class.
Reminder: Please send in your parent interviews.
Also, homework is starting this week with Reading Minutes. Please look out for your child’s homework folder and help him/her develop a homework routine at home.