
What’s Happening in Design Lab?

You might be wondering what’s been going on in our much talked about design lab.  Based on student motivation, developmental ability, and classroom-connections, projects will look quite different from grade to grade.  Here is a taste of some of the projects we have been working on most recently:

For the 100th day of school, kindergarteners worked to create the tallest structures they could using 100 toothpicks and 100 marshmallows.  They noticed what shapes are structurally stronger than others.  They also realized that sometimes you need to start a project over again in order to do it better the next time.  Mistakes are what help you get better!

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First graders have been learning about simple machines.  They have been introduced to levers, pulleys, and wedges.  Students experimented with all three of these machines then were tasked with the following challenge:  Create an invention using at least one of these simple machines that could help someone with a problem.  They have come up with some fascinating tools!

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 Check out a video of one student’s creation here:

2015-03-13 11.22.14 from Jewish Community Day School RI on Vimeo.

Second graders have been studying balance and motion and have created various tools and inventions such as musical instruments, cars, and marble coasters.

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Third graders have been creating digital content to go along with their fantasy stories that they wrote with Mrs. Davis.  They have learned how to navigate between apps, to pull pictures from the internet, and to record their voices in order to create powerful digital content.  Soon you will see their work in the hallway near the computer lab.  Please download a QR code viewer on your mobile device to be able to watch their projects.

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Fourth and Fifth graders have been tirelessly working to create a Rube Goldberg machine.  They have learned so much about creating ideas, testing, making mistakes, and trying again.  Their grit and tenacity has been apparent as they tirelessly strive to make a successful machine.  Stay tuned for the final video.

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Here is one student talking about the process of creating the Rube Goldberg:

2015-03-16 14.02.15 from Jewish Community Day School RI on Vimeo.