Third Grade Rocks!
What kind of classroom pet should we adopt and why?
This is the first question students tried to answer but realized it wasn’t a question you could just answer easily. There are so many factors when looking into adopting a classroom pet. Here are the steps that students took to get to the amazing stage that we are presently at now:
- researched all about classroom pets using various resources and technology.
- narrowed them down to five animals (guinea pig, rough green snake, leopard colored gecko, baby bearded dragon, and painted turtle).
- researched for weeks in groups and with a partner on the popular animal choices.
- wrote informational paragraphs for the pet of choice.
- learned how to persuade others into “buying in” on your animal (what do we highlight? How do we focus on the benefits?)
- learned about how to use our “VOICE” in our writing. Why is this important? How do we connect with our audience when writing and speaking?
- wrote a persuasive writing piece and read it to both third and fourth graders in our Author’s Chair.
- re-voted after hearing every students’ essays.
- generated questions for the animal experts (Courtney and Danielle) that met us at the pet store for an interview session.
- drove in the JCDS van to the pet store and interviewed two separate experts on all five animals.
- got to handle the animals (even the ones that weren’t on our list) 🙂
- reflected and added new information to our classroom design board.
What is left to do for our multi-faced project?
re-vote on our class pet after analyzing new information on classroom environment, budget, and other extraneous factors!
- DESIGN our new pet’s habitat with as many natural resources as possible.
- Design and build a grow lab in our classroom.
- go out an ADOPT our new classroom pet…..YIPPEE! And of course give him or her LOVE and a name!
Readers’ Theater– “The Pied Piper” ……students are building fluency and having fun with this meaningful story that also prompts great discussion!
What can I say……we LOVE our buddies. We had a very special time eating soup and playing with our pre-k pals!
Other things we are learning about and/or learning how “to do” in the third grade:
problem solving in the real world
- adding and subtracting up to 10,000 with regrouping
- multiplication
- letter writing
- topic sentences with supporting details
- applying juicy and meaningful sentences to our writing
- various owls and their habitat
- dissecting owl pellets
- beginning our new novel The Thing About Georgie
- reading with expression
- literature circles and all the given responsibilities during group time
- modeling proper homework expectations and organizational skills
- Our Reading Log! It has a different format that is simple and thoughtful, but still holds students accountable for their reading……
- enjoying our read aloud, Because of Mr. Terupt, by Rob Buyea
Important Notes:
- Reading documentation will be turned in every Friday from now on. Students are only expected to document and write one paragraph on one single reading experience each week and circle their estimated reading minutes. We went over ALL of this in school…. several times. Let me know if you have any questions. 🙂
- Reminder: homework is due either on Wednesday and/or Friday only. Unless there is a special project, and if that is the case it will be written in their homework folder.
- Please encourage your child to study their spelling or vocabulary words a little bit each night to help feel confident and prepared for Friday’s spelling/vocabulary test.
- PTC next Wednesday for third grade. I look forward to meeting with you! 🙂
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Davis