
My First Day

The 2015-2016 school year has started! After we met most of the people from last year, said goodbye and went up the stairs right in to the new class, we encountered new smells:  the smell of the fresh paint from the walls, the new carpets, markers in all colors, the floor cleaner and  polish – everything is clean and new, even more then Passover clean! Suddenly I heard someone call my name, again and again… and I realized that all eyes were on me, just waiting, listening. So I told myself, ”Come on, Sivan, you have to start to talk –  everyone is waiting for you – after all you’re the teacher!!!”

Yes, even I was so excited about the first day of school! But you know what? It was the most AMAZING experience, because I have the best class ever!!! 4th grade rocks!!!  – Sivan Amon