As you know, we have been learning a lot about the story of immigration. Specifically we have looked at why Jews left many places in Europe, we have discussed the different reasons people immigrate, and we have learned about the statue of liberty and Ellis Island. Also, students have been learning all about their own family histories. I can’t wait to see their projects after vacation!
This past week, students created skits to tell the story of how the statue of liberty came to America. I did have video feed, but youtube seems to be unhappy with me right now. I’ll post later.
Also, we were lucky to have Yasha’s mom come and talk to us about her immigration experience.
If you are looking for an enrichment activity to do with your kids at home, take a virtual tour of Ellis Island, meet modern immigrants and look at some immigration data at scholastic website at .
We also had a super exciting Friday. We had a visit from our first grandparent guest reader!
Then we made thunder cake, a recipe from Patricia Polacco’s book “Thundercake”. We think it turned our pretty great. Thanks to Val for helping with the baking!