
Our Slater Mill Field Trip

Our visit to Slater Mill helped students think deeply about the birth of industrialization in this country.  The fifth graders asked incredibly thoughtful questions about life during this time period.

Studying a piece of wool and thinking about the efforts it takes to go from sheering a sheep to  making usable thread to make clothes.
Studying a piece of wool and thinking about the efforts it takes to go from sheering a sheep to making usable thread to make clothes
Carding wool made it easier to work with.
Carding wool made it easier to work with.
Only a wealthy family could have had a loom like this one in their home.
Only a wealthy family could have had a loom like this one in their home.
Beds were warmed up with coals under the sheets.
Beds were warmed up with coals under the sheets.
Taking the flax plant and readying it to made thread to make linen is quite a process.
Taking the flax plant and readying it to made thread to make linen is quite a process.
Flax feels good.
Students were fascinated by all the machinery.
Students were fascinated by all the machinery.
Hydro-power in action!
Hydro-power in action!
These machines were designed to fix machinery.
These machines were designed to fix machinery.
The cotton gin revolutionized the cotton industry
The cotton gin revolutionized the cotton industry.

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