This week we visited the organization Gotta Have Sole, founded by JCDSRI alum, Nicholas Lowinger. Please take a moment to read about this amazing individual and all the good he does in the world:
Nicholas is only a high school student! He started this organization in sixth grade, for his bar-mitzvah project. To say he was an inspiration to the class is an understatement. Gotta Have Sole sends new shoes to children who need them. Fifth graders learned about why Nicholas began doing this work, some of the (many) awards he has won over the years, and how the organization runs. Then they helped prepare an order to be sent to a shelter in Arizona.
Here are some of the students reflections after the trip:
“This trip has showed me how 1 person can make a difference” – Jordan
“I am thinking about the kids’ reactions to the cards ans hoes. I hope they are happy!” -Elliana
“I am thinking about how lucky we are to have shoes to wear.” – Tomer
“I am thinking about how I can help the world. I got inspired. What should I do?” – Abby
“I wonder what I can do to help in the world.” -Jodd
“This is the first time I have really thought about how hard it is not to have shoes.” -Jonah
“I am now so grateful for my shoes. I am also wondering what I can do to help in the community.” -Eliora
“It feels so good to know that thing I am drawing will be cherished by someone I will probably never meet.” -Tamar

It was a particularly moving service learning experience. Many thanks to Lori Lowinger for taking the time to welcome us and for giving the class this opportunity.