Meet Sue Sugerman!
Sue is excited to return to JCDSRI for her eighteenth year at JCDSRI! She has played many important roles at school including classroom teacher, AISNE coordinator, scheduler, yearbook coordinator and physical education teacher. She holds a B.A. in Elementary Education from the University of Rhode Island and an M.A. in Counseling from Rhode Island College. Prior to working at JCDSRI, she taught, and continues to teach Physical Education at Providence Hebrew Day School. Every year, Sue looks forward to creating new games and activities for her classes. She also kvells when students work hard at a new skill and improve throughout the year.
In her free time, she loves playing Scrabble, doing word games and puzzles and spending as much time as possible with her family. During the summer, she enjoys listening to the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore in Narragansett.