It is traditional to eat this fantastic fruit during the high holidays because it it symbolizes fruitfulness. Also, it is said to have 613 seeds, which corresponds with the 613 mitzvot or commandments of the Torah.
Here in 1st grade, we put this idea to the test and discovered that we were the proud consumers of a pomegranate oozing with mitzvot. We counted each and every seed together. It became a lesson that incorporated Math, Science, Chagim and collaboration. We also practiced showing Kavoad (respect) for each other (especially while waiting for each group to count their seeds; kavod is a skill that we have been working on this month)
It was fantastic to see the sparkle in their eyes as they finished counting the last seeds and shouted “710 seeds!” In science we talked about the properties of the fruit both on the inside and outside. Below is a fun chart that I found while preparing for this lesson. According to this chart, 613 is the average number of seeds the data gathered from average sized Pomegranates from all over the world.(We counted a large sized fruit) This is truly fascinating. Enjoy!

Tashlich with the whole school @ India Point Park, RI

Our first school wide field trip took place on Erev Yom Kippur. At Indian Park,we formed a wide circle of teachers and students and reflected on our past year. Mr. Tilove challenged us to think of one thing we can try to work on in order to be a better person. Then we had the opportunity to apologize to each other for possibly hurting or insulting one another over the past year. the root of the Hebrew word Tikkun means “ to fix “
Many of the students were a little shocked with me, as I made sure to look each one of them in the eye and apologize. As a teacher, it is really important to model the behavior we want to see in our students. I wanted to show them that everyone is obligated to participate in Tikkun – even (or especially!) grownups.
Then the students were divided into three groups and participated in three stations:
Station #1: Students played a Yom Kippur version of “Pass the Stick” and shouted out past indiscretions as loud as they could while running around a obstacles course and passing the stick from one to the other.
Station #2: To climb the fantastic rope jungle gym.
Station #3: We listened to a meaningful story told by Rabbi Goauze and then threw bird seed (instead of bread crumbs) into the Providence Bay to symbolize throwing away our sins from the past year.
1st Grade hard at work doing Guided Reading Word Work Activities and Math Number Lines
We went to the JCC!
1st Grade visited with Artist Jason Freedman spoke about his artwork in his show entitled Monsters Who Don’t Know They Are Monsters. Our students had the opportunity to view the show in the gallery, and asked amazing questions of the artist and do an art project together.

September Highlights
Mystery visitor!
We were blessed to have Nadav’s mom Gaby read to us, She chose It Was Only A Dream by Chris Van Allsburg which is Nadav’s favorite book…ever!) It was a very special moment for all of us.
Unexpected Class Gift!
Every once in a while in my wondering, I stumble upon a toy or object that I have to bring to our class. Last week I found a perfect gift that involves teamwork and engineering! Check out the great photos!