Here’s what Pre K has been up to in the Gym…
Firstly they have learned how to come into the gym, sit down and wait for instructions. This is a very important part of coming to the gym and being ready to listen. We have also talked about how to be respectful of the equipment and each other in the gym. Be sure to ask you child about their experience in Gym.
So far this year Pre K has:
- played “sharks and minnows” (a controlled game of tag)
- run laps in the gym
- played “switch” ( A made of game of mine and a crowd favorite.)
- played on the equipment on our playground and learned how to be safe outside
- played “soccer bowling” (Another made up game of mine.)
- danced to music and used pom poms to keep the beat
- learned what a relay race is and participated in simple relay races
- learned how to sort different types of balls we use
Here’s what Kindergarten and First Grade have been up to in the Gym…
Firstly we reviewed how to come into the gym, sit down and wait for instructions. Every class starts with a warm up activity….usually running laps. Then we work on skills followed by a game or free play. Oftentimes students will continue to practice what was taught or reviewed during a class.
So far this year Kindergarten and First Grade have:
- played “switch” ( A made of game of mine and a crowd favorite.)
- participated in simple relay races
- played a game called “spud”
- learned some of the particulars of kickball (For instances, what to do after you kick the ball or what to do after you catch the ball.) We simulated game situations and in the spring we hope to play a real game of kickball.
- played “fruit basket” (Using the fall Jewish holidays students exchange spaces in the gym and try not to be the one left without a space.)
- played “crab soccer”
- been recently learning the skills necessary to play soccer (like stopping the ball, kicking, dribbling a ball, kick and chase and more)
Be sure to ask you child about their experience in Gym.
Here’s what Second Grade through Fifth Grade have been up to in the Gym…
Firstly we reviewed how to come into the gym, sit down and wait for instructions. Every class starts with a warm up activity….usually running laps. Then we work on skills usually followed by a game and occasionally some free play. During free time many students will continue to practice what was taught or reviewed during a class. We usually spend about 6 weeks learning about a sport.
So far this year Second through Fifth Grade have:
- played several types of games that have to do with bases (kickball, handball, wiffle ball, tennis baseball, and foam ball) All these games have the same basic rules. Students are also learning about tagging up, force outs and running the bases.
- played “crab soccer”
- recently been learning the skills necessary to play soccer (like stopping the ball, different styles of kicking, kicking with and without a goalie, dribbling a ball, passing to a teammate, being a goalie and more)
Be sure to ask you child about their experience in Gym.