With so many Monday snow days and Tuesday delayed openings, I feel like February was extremely short. Here are just a few highlights to share before we all venture to different parts of the globe on vacation:
- We continued with our mathematical unit on fractions and learned about mixed numbers and improper fractions.
- We used our multiplication and division skills to find a common denominator and to reduce a fraction to simplest form.
- We solidified our speedy multiplication skills with a partner dice game.
- Third and fourth collaborated to design health posters about smoking, exercise, healthy eating, seatbelt safety, texting and driving and drugs.
- We researched online about our topic and synthesized and presented the information to our classmates.
- We began rehearsing a western readers theater titled, Lightning Larry.
- We wrapped up our electricity unit by designing, building and fully wiring a house to light up using a battery, bulbs and wires.
- We finished reading chapters 10- 15 in our suspenseful Holocaust novel, Number the Stars.
- We continued typing our fantasy/dialogue stories in the computer lab.
- We began sharing our amazing bowling pin biography projects.
Important Dates
- Tuesday February 24th from 8:15-8:45= Biography bowling pin presentation in 4th grade classroom
- Tuesday, February 24th at 10:00=Alice Goldstein, Holocaust survivor, speaks to grade four
- Friday, February 27th=no school for children
Have a wonderful, relaxing, safe and warm week. I will see you all on February 23rd!