Do you know that challah comes in many different shapes? Do you know why we braid the challah or why we eat challah on Shabbat and holidays? These were some of the student generated questions that helped shape our study of challah prior to the second graders having the chance to bake delicious challah in a variety of shapes under the expert direction of Sophie’s Mom, Valerie Philmus. Kudos to our second grade bakers and a great Todah Rabah to Valerie! Â The second graders are curious for sure; additionally, our challah study led us to a discussion of the properties of yeast and how it makes the challah rise.
We began our Chanukah learning with a visit from Ivy’s grandparents who came in and worked with the students on a wonderful Chanukiah made out of paper plates and clothespins that actually can stand up on its own! We thank them for spending time with our class!
The second graders have been practicing the candle lighting blessings and reading the story of Chanukah in Hebrew. They will be ready for the first night of Chanukah in a week from now!
The school Shabbat dinner is also rapidly approaching. In addition to preparing to lead some of the Tefillot during the service, the second graders made beautiful Challah covers for each of the tables at the dinner under the expert, artistic direction of fourth grade and alumni parent, Sharon Sock. We thank her for helping us to create such colorful works of art!