Our Judaic Studies curriculum has four components: Haggim (Holidays), Humash (Torah study), Ivrit (Hebrew language), and T’fillot (Prayers).
Haggim – Jewish Holidays
The focus of our Haggim curriculum is on students gaining knowledge about the historical background, laws and customs connected to the Jewish holidays. There are many opportunities during the course of our school year to experience the joy of celebrating each holiday within our school community. Students learn about the range of observance of the various holidays, while gaining an appreciation of their own connection to Jews around the world and in Israel.

Humash – Torah Study
Our Humash curriculum begins with the study of Parashat HaShavua (weekly Torah portion) in Pre-K, Kindergarten and Grade 1. We continue to build upon the content knowledge and questioning skills gained in the primary grades as our students begin to engage in higher level Text study in our upper grades. Through the use of the Matok curriculum, our students engage in critical thinking, become sensitive to shades of meaning, and search for personal meaning in the Torah. We are sensitive to the fact that our families have varying perspectives on the connection between God and Torah. We strive to instill in our students a sense of respect for one another as they grapple with moral issues that arise through Torah study.

Ivrit – Hebrew Language
Ivrit is a tool that helps our students connect with other Jews worldwide and with the Land of Israel. Because we view Hebrew as a living language our program emphasizes proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Additionally, Hebrew is the key to understanding traditional Jewish Texts. It is central in providing connections to the core concepts and ideals of Judaism as language and culture are intricately linked.
T’fillot – Prayer
We create space each day for our children to engage in T’fillah (prayer), a language shared by all Jews. This sacred time – z’man kadosh – allows for children to explore their spirituality and connection to God.The spectrum of Jewish liturgy that we use for Shaharit (morning service), the Torah Service, Kabbalat Shabbat and Havdalah allows our children to express essential Jewish values. They focus on such concepts as K’lal Yisrael (All Jews are obligated to each other), gratitude, loving-kindness, love of Israel, and tikkun olam (repairing the world).