
How can we calm our brains?

Participating in fourth grade, or any grade for that matter, can be pretty exciting here at JCDSRI. We take great pride in creating activities involving play, creativity, and real world problems and solutions. But what do you when it is time to calm your brain? How do you even calm your brain? Fourth grade has found an answer! We have decided to incorporate mindfulness meditation into our weekly activities. Once or twice a week, we take ten minutes to listen to a guided meditation in our own comfortable meditation spots. Some of us sit on chairs, some of us lay on rugs, and some of us use a pencil to doodle silently while we listen. At the end of ten minutes we shake our limbs, take a deep breath, and transition back into our academic work.

Taking these few precious minutes away from traditional learning allows little brains grow. Students are allowed the time to process the day’s activities while building mental flexibility and changing their classroom perspectives. We can’t wait to share how much we have mentally grown in the next few weeks!

Scientists Come in all Shapes and Sizes

How do you separate a mixture of dry materials?

Fourth grade scientists have been working for weeks on mixing and separating mixtures, both wet and dry. Before we left for winter break, these special students accepted a mystery challenge. Separate a mixture into four materials: salt, diatomaceous earth, gravel, and a mystery substance using a filter, screen, water, and a magnet. The scientists broke into small groups and got straight to work. Each team was responsible for designing, executing, and editing their experiments using design thinking and engineer practices.

Would you believe that each team was able to complete the task independently?

What will we separate next? How can we apply this new knowledge to the world around us? We are about to find out!

4th Grade Presidential Election

How does a president get elected?

Why do we need a president?

What better way to find out than to hold your own election? The 4th grade has decided to hold their own election and discover first hand! Seven presidential hopefuls threw their hats into the ring and entered the primary election of the District of 4th Grade. After wonderful speeches, registering to vote, and “visiting” our polling place, seven hopefuls became the final two.

What comes next? Time for a debate and creating a campaign trail for the Panda Party and the Golden Party. Stay tuned for the final results of the Presidential Election!election-poster

4th Grade Buddies

As members of the 4th Grade, it is our duty to share our academic knowledge and understanding of the word ‘community’ with the students around us. One of the ways we keep the values of JCSD strong is through our partnership with buddies in Kindergarten. Over the past few weeks 4th Graders have been mentoring Kindergarten students in the art of being an author, all while sharpening our own drafting and editing skills!

We’ve helped our Kindergarten buddies develop their ideas using the writing process we have learned in years past: brainstorming, drafting, editing, and publishing. This week, we worked with them to expand their ideas on paper by helping them practice their letters and sentences, as well as illustrate the pages of their books. Through this activity we are living the Jewish value that we have been studying this month in Judaic Studies: love your neighbor as yourself.

These new books already look like they are full of adventures ready to be enjoyed by our entire JCDS community!
